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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
After multiple rainouts for the Weekly Racing Series, the Mid-Week Racing Series kicked off without a hitch Thursday night at Unity Raceway. Opening night for Thursday Thrillas saw three first-time winners.
The Geo & Sons Teen Thunder kids put on a great show. Travis Poulin of Ellsworth led the field to the green flag. The race was slowed three times with the caution flag. Poulin survived all three restarts to cruise to his first career win. Michael Greenleaf held off Dustin Hubbard to nail down second spot. Hubbard finished third.
Sandy Green of Clinton competed in the Geo & Sons Teen Thunder Divison for three seasons and decided to move into the Ladies Division for 2006. It was a good move for Green as she swept both the Heat and the Feature to pick up her first career win at Unity Raceway. "Finally" said Green in Victory Lane.
Burnham's Carl McAlpine may have won a few White & Bradstreet Mini Stock races but Thursday night he picked up his first career Wildcat win. McAlpine had stiff copetition from Mike Short for the entire distance but he was able to get through lapped traffic a little better than Short. McAlpine also had to make a last minute move as he took the checkers with a car facing the wrong direction on the start/finish line.
Jason Lancaster of Milo picked up where he left off in 2005. Lancaster toasted the Peanut Division field by half the track. B.J. Hamm held off Ross Merrill for second.
The Ramp Racers left the crowd on their feet. George Fernald, Jr. and Bob Morey began the race door-to-door on the ramp. That is just the way they finished as well with Morey edging out Fernald by 1/2 a car length. Fernald wasn't finished there though. He came back around one more time and launched his car completely across the start/finish line breaking his current record for farthest jump. "Fast" Freddie Landry gave the crowd more to cheer about when he launched his Ford Festiva on the final lap. The win was Morey's third in a row.
For more information log on to UnityRaceway.net.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 11:45, 2006-06-17