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Heard a RUMOR that Ted Christopher, could possibly end up driving for the Ed Whelan owned J & S Motorsports team on the WMT.
A excerpt from an article by the Hartford Courant's Shawn Courchesne:
Christopher Has A Ride, For Now
June 16, 2006
Ted Christopher gets to continue the chase for his first Whelen Modified Tour championship at least for one more week.
On Thursday, Christopher finalized a deal to drive for Long Island car owner Eddie Whelan in Saturday's Modified Tour event at Jennerstown (Pa.) Speedway.
Christopher's former team was owned by Danbury businessman James Galante. But that team's equipment was seized last week by federal marshals when Galante was charged as part of a federal investigation into organized crime's involvement in the trash hauling business in New York and Connecticut.
Christopher is second in points after two Modified Tour events.
"You can't just walk away from being second in points," Christopher said. "Eddie was willing to do this and I've got a little help from some other people so it's a good deal for this week."
Christopher, last year's tour runner-up, and Whelan have not decided if the deal will continue after Jennerstown. The next Modified Tour event is June 29 at Thompson International Speedway.
"We'll run this weekend and see what happens from there," Christopher said. "I can't thank him enough for the opportunity just to do that."
Whelan fields a full-time team for driver Mike Andrews.
"I'm just a big fan of racing and Teddy racing on the Modified Tour is a big part of the series," Whelan said. "I would hate to see him have to miss a race and lose out on a chance to win the championship because of what happened."