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“Team Waterford Speedbowl” is ready for the first-ever visit of the True Value Modified Series Saturday night, a 100-lap all-green feature topping the menu. It is the southernmost visit yet for the three-year-old TVMS, considered one of the area’s fastest growing tours.
Ed Dachenhausen, a former Speedbowl regular currently running second in points, leads the TVMS into town. ‘Bowl fans will be getting their first look at a trio of Northern New England legends – current point leader Dwight Jarvis, two-time TVMS champ Kirk Alexander and 30-year veteran Jack Bateman.
Guaranteed starters Shawn and Diego Monahan are among the Speedbowl regulars ready for the invasion. The list also includes the Pasteryak family, Carl and nephew Chris, the latter also an SK-Modified regular. Other Speedbowl stalwarts who’ll be doing double duty (SKs and TVMS) include Tom Fox, Jeff Pearl and Mike Finkeldey. All must earn spots in the 26-car feature in heats.
“This is the greatest!” says Shawn Monahan. “This is a rare opportunity to do something different,” agrees Pearl.
The SKs, Late Models, Sportsman and Mini Stocks are on the bill as well. Action starts with TVMS heats at 4:45.
Shawn Monahan, Fox and Chris Pasteryak will come with two cars, Fox driving the Rob Summers’ # 11 in the SK action while his #47 will be “rigged” for TVMS action. Chris Pasteryak will have both his SK and Whelen Tour cars available. Carl will drive the #75 Tour car.
Danbury resident Dachenhausen, 12 points behind Jarvis in the point battle, is hoping his Speedbowl experience will pay big dividends. In a decade-plus run, he won the 1994 Late Model Most Improved and the 1997 SK Rookie of the Year Awards. He was a two-time feature winner in 1999.
Leader Bateman says the entire TVMS has been awaiting the Speedway date with anticipation and excitement. Speedbowl General Manager Bill Roth credits Bateman’s cooperation in making the event “something really special” for everybody. Local competitors have jumped at the chance to take on the visitors.
“Guys like Jarvis, Alexander, Bateman and Rob Goodenough have been setting records up north for years,” Roth continues. “These guys are established names and everybody is looking forward to seeing what they can do at the Speedbowl. At the same time, hometown loyalty runs very deep.”
Two TVMS regulars – Jimmy Kuhn and Chris Wenzel – have Whelen Tour experience at the Speedbowl. Wenzel has a sixth in 2000 while Kuhn posted an eighth in 2003.
Among the other TVMS contenders are Les Hinckley, a winner earlier this year, and Andy Seuss, currently running seventh in points.
Pasteryak, 12 behind leader Dennis Gada, Fox (-22) and Diego Monahan (-28) are all very much in the SK point race as well. “This is going to be a great night,” says Monahan.