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The Race of Champions Asphalt Modified Tour is set to make its first of two appearances at the Mahoning Valley Speedway this Saturday, June 10th. Grandstand gates will open at 4 p.m. with racing set for 6 p.m.
The 75 lap event should once again prove to be a challenge for the Race of Champions invaders. The lightning fast quarter mile oval is one of the toughest challenges for drivers that don’t compete weekly. In the past the weekly competitors have been tough to beat in the Race of Champions events.
Heading into the R.o.C Modified Tour 75 this Saturday Lee Sherwood is leading the central region point standings. Sherwood was a standout driver at the Tioga Motorsports Park over the years by winning numerous track championships and feature events. He started off the 2006 campaign strong by recording his first ever Oswego Speedway victory back on May 7th. Sherwood has struggled at Mahoning Valley in his limited prior starts.
Eric Beers currently sits second in the central region standings and is always a factor at MVS. A multi-time feature winner, Beers should be another driver to keep an eye on this Saturday. Other tour regulars Earl Paules, Rusty Smith and Pete Brittain have all had strong runs in the past and are hoping to do so again. Defending tour champion Matt Hirschman and regional champion Zane Zeiner will be ready to do battle as well. Both Hirschman and Zeiner struggled in the R.o.C opener but rebounded nicely with top five finishes at Oswego Speedway on May 27th.
John Markovic, another past MVS standout is also looking to shake off a rocky start to the ’06 R.o.C tour. His local knowledge has served him well in the past as he has garnered a R.o.C victory at the quarter mile.
A youth movement has begun to become quite evident on the R.o.C Modified Tour. In the central region two drivers will be gunning for “rookie of the year” honors. Kensington, Connecticut rookie Ryan Preece had a solid run at Oswego Speedway on May 27th. In only his second start the young driver finished an impressive twelveth at the wire. Kory Rabenold had bad luck in the R.o.C opener but is hoping to turn some heads in the Saturday’s central region event.
For additional information on the Race of Champions Modified Tour event this Saturday at Mahoning Valley Speedway please call the MVS offices directly at 610-398-4923 or on race day at 570-386-4900. You can also log on to www.mahoningspeedway.com for more. To contact the Race of Champions offices please phone (607) 775-5555 or log on to www.raceofch
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 14:11, 2006-06-08