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Here is a thought that myself and another un-named member were discussing the other night.
With the NASCAR Busch Series becoming nothing more than a second Nextel Cup Series, could the new Busch East Series see more Southern teams.
Here are reasons I believe Southern teams should look at the Busch East Series.
1. With the cost cutting rules being introduced, the average Busch East Series car will cost about $40,000.
2. The average budget for a "Top Running" Busch East Series team is rumored to be around $500,000 per season before the new cost cuts. Still far below the average for the Busch turned Cup Series budget.
3. The Busch East Series runs tracks that are on the Nextel Cup Series.
4. You may actually have a chance of racing if you are a TRUE Busch Series team. And your sponsor may actually get TV exposure.
Some Southern drivers have allready filled entries for the Busch East. Some Cup teams have also expressed interest in the Busch East Series with developmental drivers.
I understand what you are saying. Even though the 'real' Busch teams stand little chance of winning when the Cup Lite cars invade, how do the payoffs between South & East compare? And from a sponsor stand point, what about national exposer and TV time? The Busch East doesn't rate what the South gets and that is in part because of the Cupcakes being there to begin with.
It is a tough situation but I like the thoughts of going to different size and style cars like Mustangs and such. If they are different than the Cup cars then they wouldn't gain the valuable info and seat time they get now.
A quick fix (band aid) would be to make the Busch cars run a totally different tire that would not provide the info they get now from running the same tires.
SPD the main point I was trying to emphasize is that the NASCAR Busch Series leaves very few spots to the TRUE Busch Series drivers. Some races have less than ten drivers who are not from the Cup Series. This means SEVERAL Busch Series teams are not racing and not gaining exposure for their sponsors.
The Busch East Series is NOT dominated by Nextel Cup teams, and would give thes drivers a legitamate chance to prove their talents. Even with the increased travell I believe it could be beneficial.
Yes the Busch East Series runs for less money. But when you are being sent home every week does the pay-out matter? The cost of competing is the Busch East is also far lower.
As for television, you made a point of sponsors wanting National exposure. When the car they sponsor is not racing they are getting NO exposure at all. HDNET will broadcast 7 Busch East Series races LIVE to a National audience. Speed will broadcast the other events, although not live. Speed is also a National Network.
My main point was that when you are going home every week, perhaps you should look somewhere else. The Busch East would at least be another opputunity for these drivers.