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‘Barefoot’ Bob McCreadie is currently recovering from injuries suffered in a motor vehicle accident that occurred Wednesday, May 31 just after 5 p.m. near his Watertown, N.Y. home.
It was reported that McCreadie, 55, was riding his motorcycle diagonally across the parking lot of the Medical Arts Building where his doctor has an office and the driver of an SUV never saw him until it was too late. Bob was transferred by Guilfoyle Ambulance to the Samaritan Medical Center where it was determined that he sustained a broken right femur, two broken ribs and a bone in his back (a different spot than his racing accident), along with "road rash."
According to the police report, McCreadie was proceeding west on his Harley-Davidson bike in a designated driving lane at the rear of the building and collided with a vehicle driven by Dawn M. Millett, 27, of 908 Salina St. She was going southeast and was crossing over marked parking spaces. The two motorists failed to see each other before they came together near a corner of the building. Millett attempted to stop and McCreadie tried to avoid the woman's vehicle, but the passenger-side front fender of the vehicle hit the right side of the bike. The motorcycle and its rider slid a short distance on the pavement. No summonses were issued, but an officer 's report placed the fault with Mrs. Millett. An investigation is being continued today by the department's accident reconstruction.
The accident occurred just three days after the legendary big-block Modified driver was inducted into the DIRT MotorSports NorthEast Hall of Fame. The entire DIRT MotorSports organization and members of its race teams wish Bob a speedy recovery and look forward to his return to the track in the near future.