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Craven back to the Truck Series? Former Cup drivers/winner Ricky Craven said he may return to the Truck Series this month. He is currently mulling an attractive offer and expects to make a decision soon. Craven, who has 278 Nextel Cup races under his belt, including two wins, raced full time in the truck series for the first time a year ago for Roush Racing. His victory at Martinsville Speedway made him just the 15th [now up to 16] driver in history to win in all three major NASCAR series. He passed up his second and final year on his contract with Roush so he would be available to return to Nextel Cup racing if the right full-time offer came his way with a competitive multi-car team. It hasn't. "I have an opportunity in the truck series that has my interest. We've had preliminary discussions and now it's a matter of seeing how serious it is in the next couple of weeks," said Craven. ""The bottom line is I need to either get in the game or out of it. I'm the type of person who has to be all in or all out. I'm pushing myself to make a decision. At this point, the Truck Series makes the most sense for me," added Craven, who wouldn't divulge the team but indicated it is a quality team that would supply him an opportunity to compete for wins. "The trucks are fun to drive and the series has its own identity. I miss racing." Over the past year, Craven indicated he has had several truck offers and some Cup offers with single-car teams. "I can't keep saying 'No.' People will stop calling," said Craven who finished 14th in points last season.(Bangor News)(5-11-2006)