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Rob Janovic has wont tonights SK Modified feature. Here are the full results.
1. Rob Janovic Jr., 2. Tom Fox, 3. Ron Yuhas Jr., 4. Diego Monahan, 5. John Brouwer Jr., 6. Dennis Gada, 7. Mike Finkeldey, 8.Shawn Monahan, 9. Jeffrey Paul, 10. Tyler Chadwick, 11. Bert Marvin, 12. Don Fowler, 13. Wendell Dailey, 14. Jim Coombs, 15. Rich Duranti, 16. Frank Mucciacciaro Jr., 17. Rob Summers, 18. Jeff Pearl, 19. Chris Pasteryak
seems like the car count is a little light. Good to see marvin back at the bowl. I think he will probably switch over to the big T when they start back up. Also I believe this may have been finkeldays first race this season at the bowl. what happened to Pasteryak, summers and pearl? Did gada race, I didnt see him in the run down.
Gada got caught up in a minor caution halfway through
Pearl broke a tranny on a restart from 2nd, and the field crunched behind and Summers and Pasteryak ended up in the frontstretch wall. Summers would come back out but later get spun into the turn 3 wall and did not return either.