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great show. The Late Models with pitkat, posoco and owen stole the show. There are so many good drivers in that division this season I think it may become a regular occurence. Good decisions by stafford to not run the 16 and 21 consi's as the car counts did not require them to. I dont know what they threatened the drivers with to get them to not bring out needless cautions for minor spins but they obviously listened and it kept the show moving.. Over by around 10.10.
how come stafford is the only track with disqualifications. I havent heard of an dq;s from waterford or thompson. I take that back I believe TC was dqd for illegal fuel a few years back at thompson but other than that I dont recall many. Is every other area track very light on the teching or is stafford overkill? Every week Stafford has a list of violations, rough driving penalty;s, suspension, probation, illegal parts. They have even throw drivers out for seasons' bo gunning, chris jones and james civali. Interesting how the other tracks seem to be problem free, or enforcement free while stafford seems to have a bunch of trouble makers. the last post just got me thinking.
Well here's the way I see it. Stafford, sometimes I think try's to imitate the "big guns" down in Florida a little to much with their penalties an suspensions and such, but I guess it is good to see them keeping things somewhat in line tech wise and on the race track.
Thompson, in my opinion is all about keeping the show moving and getting the people in an out. Probably because that is the only way you will make a Thursday night work. If you have the show draggin out until 11PM or later with a work day the next day for most, I think you would lose fans, but in turn I think a lot of on track "stuff" gets over looked in interest of keeping the show moving along.
Waterford, unfortunatley I think it comes down to car count in some of the divisions, and that a lot of the sponsors and drivers are tied in with the track in one way or another that "limits" what's done about some of the things that happen on an off the track.
Just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions. And in no way am I trying to say I could do it any better than any of the "powers that be" at all three of the above mentioned tracks.
I actually applaud stafford in their effort to control the rough driving and illegal parts. After reading my post, I am not sure that is how it came out. Due to the weekly stafford police beat, you notice the rules infractions there more than the other two tracks. I guess the other tracks also penalize drivers just not in such a visible way. It would seem that if all this is going on at one track it probably is happening at the other two tracks as frequently.
I went to last weeks stafford show. After finding out the sks were running last I thought it was going to be a very long night with qualifying, consis and features for the 5 divisions. I was wrong, stafford had us on the road shortly after 10pm. They somehow convinced the competitors to not stay on the track to bring out a yellow after minor spins.
Ben when might we see Jay Millers return to waterford action. How is he doing?
Right now Jay is doing pretty good, his eye is still not at 100%, we are still going on a week to week basis depending on how hes doing and what the doctor says. It might be a month, might be a few weeks. Right now the plan isnt to run the Bowl exclusively, but some possibly some shows at Stafford and Thompson as well. I'll keep you guys updated on what will happen, but right now its touch and go.