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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
OK people, we have decided to open the vault and let everyone see how far we've gotten with our Statistical History of the Waterford Speedbowl. The site is:
There's a ton of info there, so instead of me blabbin' away, check it out for yourself. Please remember this is a work in progress and accuracy checks are an on-going function.
Hope ya enjoy it!!!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Warren - thanks for the feedback!! I'm workin' on the jp.com email, not sure what happened there and I'll check the 2000 event you mentioned when I get back to the "files" later today...
Warren - you's correct. I indeed gave Puglisi the win instead of Beetham - those composite results for the season that used to be in the program had them listed back-to-back (#43 & #45) so my eyes crossed 'em up...
God, please let this not be a reoccuring error on my part - that would really suck!!
Per Sid's request, we have placed Spd's post that he made in the WSB section here also:
Sid, you are the MAN. Great job.
I will check with the Farmer about the 80's and see what he has for you when I get home in a few weeks.
I have some pics you are welcome to take from my photo bucket page or let me know which ones and I can send them to you. Mike Daigneault has found some pics and he dropped them at my house. I have not seen yet so I'll post them after I get back.
Again, great job and sincere thanks from one of the many that enjoyed the thrill of victory and also left a lot of sweat and frustration at the bowl over many years and had no where to see how it all shakes out. But thanks to your hard work and diligence we now have "Sids Vault".