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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Hmm, I thought Zemke had grabbed a Sportsman championship a few years back. I should have known Bruce Jr in the Minis, and I remember Soup wining some sort of Sunday Mini Stock championship deal, but wasnt sure if there was actually a point system or not (No dissin meant on the Soupster, I know he's a Bowl "icon" lol.) As far as the last driver I give, anyone else out there know?
Soup-a-dupe's championship is a point championship. Although called "Mini Stocks" at the time, they were basically the current X-cars. There was a gap between the Pure/Mini Stock Sunday divisions & the X/Super X-car Wednesday divisions where they still ran enduro type races but without points and/or champions....
I'll give some more time before I give the final part of the answer...
OK - not sure if this is a hint or makes it harder, but the remaining driver is one of the handful or so competitors who've won a track championship without winning a single feature event during the season.
1983 Late Model (then Super Stock) Champion Art Moran Jr is currently toolin' around in the 66 Legends - which by the way looks eerily similar in color scheme to Jay Stuart's ol' 66 Late Model that both he ('90 & '94) and Phil Rondeau ('87) both drove to Waterford titles.
If ya haven't been to the track yet this year, this last one might have been a little tricky...