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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
What an absolutely perfect day for the Spring Sizzler! No chance of snow, rain, fog, or any other thing that could put a damper on today's events. We are planning on bringing live podium results for the SK's, NEMA Midgets, and the Late Model features from today's lineup. We will be monitoring the live Tour race results from Modseriesscene.com along with all the other Tour Mod fans who can't get to the track today. So plan on the first results from Stafford being the SK feature, to come around 1:30pm, as they are set to go off today at 1:00pm. Back with results...shortly!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The SK feature is currently underway and there has been some notable news. Keith Rocco is leading, but all these drivers have lead but needed to pit for one problem or another: Jimmy Blewett, Lloyd Agor (defending champ), and Woody Pitkat. Brad Heitala apparently wrecked and is out oof the race. There have been many cautions, I guess that's why it's taking so long. Back soon with the podium finish!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Thanks so much for including the NEMA finish..... of course my driver was in the top 3 (actually the top 1!). Not many of the web sites include them. Enjoy the tour race.
The Tour race has ended. Unofficial top seven results as follows:
Doug Coby (First ever tour victory, congratulations Doug!)
Donny Lia
Eric Beers
Mike Stefanik
Robbie Summers
Ted Christopher
James Civali
Other drivers of local interest, Ronnie Yuhas finished 14th, Ken Barry 16th, Chris Pasteryak 24th, Zach Sylvester 28th, Frank Ruocco 30th, Kenny Horton 33rd. The full finish is posted in the WMT section.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 17:08, 2006-04-30
-- Edited by openwheelracer at 00:19, 2006-05-01
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The major parts of my day were the SK and Tour features. Dang, those were exciting! There was obviously something in the water with all of the lead changes and battles for positions and whatnot. In the SK race, I was actually quite surprised to see Ruocco's #91 beat up--and I'm talking no bumper--come in third. Honestly, I thought that thing was done in the first ten laps or so. (Guess I need to drink that water that was served.)
Of course, I wasn't at all interested in the Late Model feature. Apparently with all of the driver changes and whatnot from the offseason, I tuned out and did my own little thing during that. So whatever happened happened and I'm glad it went down.
Overall the races went well...except for the SK race, like usual. The first race of the year, plenty of overanxiousness by veterans and young guns alike. This was shown by Frank Ruocco finishing 3rd after getting wrecked, and Woody in 4th after tranny troubles. I'm glad our reliable Gilli's Gearboxes havent failed us . A good battle up front at the end with the Tornado getting yet another SK win (That I called by the way). on to the tour race. There were quite a few green flag runs, showing that these guys really know how to race clean. There were some great runs by the rookies, including James Civali, Danny Sammons, and Ronnie Yuhas. The usual suspects were fast, with Lia, Hirschy, Marquis, Teddy, and Szegedy all up front. Coby and Sylvester ran very well until Zach drove it in too deep and got into Hirschy, giving the lead up to Coby, where he checked out. Bad luck once again strikes the 15 bunch as the battery went south shortly after losing the lead. After that it was no loong back for Coby, getting a well deserved first win after some near misses. A great run by Robbie Summers in 5th after a tough weekend at Thompson. As for the Lm race, it went by fairly quick, after a couple of near pileups on the start. Woddy showed his muscle on the outside with a great pass(another win called by me). I was in the infield in the #62 pits helping out. on to next weekend, tje first friday night race, lets see what it will bring.