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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I won't go too far on the takes at the moment--all of my information I collected is in my bag in my mom's car--but dang, that Limited Late Model race was crazy! *eyes widen* Exciting, but crazy.
Does any one else think stafford has too many divisions for their weekly show. s k, late model s k lite, limited late models and dares. They also have two addional last chance features. total races on a reg night is approximately 13. It looks like they have firmly committed to making money out of the back gate instead of the front. The only way this works is if they schedule the sk and lates for the first two features, oh wait you cant because the consi features. I see a lot of tired and sleeping kids in stafford stands this summer. they dropped the prostocks citing an inability to get shows over in a timely fashion. Now they add 2 additional divisions and 2 extra lap consi's. I guess getting people out early is no longer the priority.
softwall, great addition but they forgot to put the softwall on the wall between the pits entrance and exit. This is the wall that I believe some of the harder hits have been seen over the years. Still its an improvement for drivers safety and they should be applauded.
s k car count. Its on the rise. I counted around 32 total and there does not appear to be many slugs. Should make for some good racing in the division.
Chris Jones is baaaaaccckkkk. Should we start a pool for when he gets into a little hot water with the stafford officiating. I say by week 4 he had either left frustrated with officiating, or is suspended. Should make for a few interesting weeks at least. My guess is the on track altercation will involve a certain driver known only by two letters for a name.
wheres keith rocco. I didnt see the poulin car, or the wisk s k car out on the track.
late models should be the best show of the nite on a regular basis. A lot of good drivers in that division this year.
limited lates. At least the 64 is in another division this year. Still dont understand why this division was started.
slites are slow. impressive field for a new division. Shelly Perry will get one this year.
dares. do they still have the two win rule?
you cant beat the tour, will be very interested in seeing how tv mod standout kirk alexander does against the tours best. He qualified.