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Jennerstown Speedway has announced that the late Ivan Baumgardner (aka Butch Gardner), Fuzzy Rubritz, Johnny Grum, Milt Miller, Turk Burkett, Jim Nave, Charlie Cragan and Bill Awtey will be inducted into the speedway’s Hall of Fame during a special ceremony on Saturday evening June 17 prior to the running of the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour Wheeler Bros.100-lap event.
“This is a special time when we step back in time to honor those individuals who have helped to make Jennerstown Speedway the success that it is today,” said General Manager Larry Mattingly. “It is just a small token of our appreciation to remember the competitors and officials that competed and worked here over the past 76-years.”
The initial class of inductees included: the late Mike (Little) Serokman, Jimmy Burns, Larry Wright, Lou Blaney, Steve Peles, the late Piney Lasky, and Jack Freeman.
Aside from the modified 100-lapper, there will also be a feature event only program for the NASCAR Dodge Weekly Series super late model, late model, street stock and hobby stock divisions.
The Eastern Museum of Motor Racing (EMMR) will present a static and on-track exhibition of vintage race cars, including several that raced at the Somerset County oval in past decades.
Veteran NASCAR Nextel Cup driver and former modified champion Jimmy Spencer will also be conducting a free autograph session.
A reunion of former Jennerstown Speedway competitors will also be held at the EMMR vintage car display. Former drivers are asked to contact the speedway at 814 629-6677 to secure credentials. Anyone with Jennerstown Speedway memorabilia is welcome to share at the display area.
Advance $15.00 discount tickets for the event are available through June 15 on-line at www.jennerstown.com, or by calling 1-888 695-0888. Tickets may also be purchased at the speedway office (cash transaction only). Gate price for adults will be $25.00 the day of the event. Children (age 12 and under) will be admitted free of charge. Spectator gates will open at 2:00 PM, with the first feature set to begin at 5:00.
NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. wil appear at Jennerstown (PA) Speedway on Saturday August 12th. Here is alink to the full story from the tracks website.
Martin Truex Jr. rounds out the field of NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series drivers for the upcoming "RACE of Champions". Here is a link to the full story from WhoWon.com.