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I noticed on the entry list for the WSMT event at Motor Mile that once again some northern teams are making the trek south. Now I'm not trying to start trouble here, I'm just looking to see if anyone else has an opinion on this. Could this (because of the northern teams advantages as far as funding and technology, etc) be considered "Whelen wacking"? (In obvious reference to Nextel Cup drivers running in the Busch Series, which has come to be called "Busch wacking")
Hmmm, Open I never thought of it that way. I guess it could be looked at several ways. The Northern cars definitely seem to have the advantage, although there is a handfull of Southern drivers that seem to really be able to compete now. The "Busch wackers" use the Series for more track time before a Cup event. The Modified drivers are just looking for a race. In my opinion the Northern invaders are a big plus for the Southern Tour. It has helped to step-up the competiton level and gained more exposure. If the rumors of a combined Tour in 2007 are true, having the Northern invaders this season is benficial for the Southern drivers. I t gives them a chance to see where they stand competiton wise.
Just my opinion. -WMT-
I think it can only be a good thing for the tour, as it helps competetion. Car counts are higher this year, thats sign of improvement. Ive talked to a southern crew member who works on the the 69, and he was really excited they beat TC. Given the time to improve, I think the series can be a great thing.