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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Thanks a bunch Pat for posting the results. And a sorry to Anon, as we had posted earlier in a different thread we will not (for right now, but things could change) be doing live weekly results from the Speedbowl.
Here is a link to the full results from each division, courtesy of Speedbowl.com:
As we stated in the earlier thread Anon, unfortunatley for the time being do to work and other commitments, we simply just don't have the time to commit to doing live results weekly from Waterford. We plan on doing results from some special shows throughout the year, but things could possibly change and we could go back to doing results weekly again. Of course as always, anyone who attends or recieves info from the track feel more than free to post it for everyone as it will definitely be appreciated by all.
Another night at the 'Bowl, with pretty decent weather for this time of year. First off we had the sportsman, a pretty good show, too bad Root had the tire problem. The Near race was fun to watch, seeing all the cars from way back, before my era. Then we had the mighty groundpounders. Early in the race it seemed like a normal Bowl wreckfest, with some good cars getting damage. After that a somewhat shady call to me as the #97 was sent to the back for rough riding on the 47. they definetly seemed like he got the short end of the stick. Diego and "SP" checked out as Pasteryak tried to get around Fowler. as the race wound down, Diego stuck her to the outside and made a move, much to the delight of the crowd. Props to Diego to becoming the first driver to win in all 4 divisions. Mini stocks took awhile, as Soup had troubles on the start, but due to a first turn pileup he was able to get his spot back, and went on to lead until the white when Joe Godbout got into the back of Soup, giving the lead to 'Chard (As Sid at JP.com calls him) as he held off Phil Evans and the ever fast Ken Cassidy Jr. Congrats to the Big Ball crew on their win. After this the Late Model race went fairly clean, with the 73 on rails going wire to wire for the win. A great win for a great guy, nice seeing him win early in the year. Overall, a normal Bowl night, not much of a car count for SK's. No 35 or 84, and no 12 of Blewett which is no surprise. we had the 12, 55, and 37 showing up this weekend, hopefully they will stay. Hopefully you will also see the 09 soon, the crew is itching to get back out there as well as the driver. so long, see ya next week.