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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The open practice session scheduled for this Saturday has been moved up due to the threat of inclement weather. The paddock gates will now open at 8am and the practice session will begin at 10am and will conclude at 6pm weather permitting.
(STAFFORD SPRINGS, CT)---Rain washed out the open practice that was scheduled for Saturday, April 22 in preparation for the 35th annual Tech-Net Spring Sizzler at the Stafford Motor Speedway. Stafford Motor Speedway had moved up the starting time for the practice session from 1pm to 10am, but a steady rain began to fall around 11am, bringing the practice session to an end. With radar showing rain in the area for a prolonged time, the decision was made to cancel the remainder of the practice. With the weather forecast for Sunday calling for rain all afternoon long, the practice session will not be rescheduled.
There will be an announcement regarding extending the practice time for next Friday's Tech-Net Spring Sizzler practice session early next week. Stay tuned to www.staffordspeedway.com for all the details.
Several rounds of practice were completed, and competitors can find their practice lap times through the LAP TIMES link on the homepage of www.staffordspeedway.com.
Wasn't able to attend RaceGirl so can't fill you in on the SK lite count, but by looking at the lap times on the SMS site I saw that 6 SK's recorded speeds along with 16 Late Models and a few Limited Late Models as well before the rains came. Was anybody else out there able to attend? If so, hook us up with some details!