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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
We hope to bring you some live results today, at least the top finishers in some of the regular weekly NWS divisions from todays feature events that are part of Icebreaker 2006. So stay tuned.....
WMT time trials have been completed, Jerry Marquis set fast time, but the redraw is still to come. Other notables Zach Sylvester 5th, Ronnie Silk 8th, TC 16th, Eric Berndt 21st, Ron Yuhas 22nd, James Civali 26th, Rob Summers 30th. Dennis Charette and Chris Pasteryak were DNQ's.
Corey Hutchings, after breaking a fuel line last night, started in the 29th position and came back to win in the Late Model division today. The unofficial top five results are as follows:
Corey Hutchings
Ryan Posocco
Marc Palmisano
Jeff Hesselton
Jeff Zuidema
The Whelen Modified Tour event follows...
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
during the WMT race..... race is red flagged at lap 47 for a crash invovling the 4 car.... i beleave its marqius..... he is ok but its a lenthy clean up
Thanks for pointing that out Cyds22! You betcha Mac was thrilled to see ole' Maddog at the track...BTW, How do you like your avatar? We shrunk a shot of the 22 car for you late last year and I forgot to ask if it was to your liking.
Thanks Scott, hope it's not too long...
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
exactly 2/3rd of the race done <100 laps> and we just got the THOMPSON version of the BIGONE............. race has been red flagged for the 2nd time for clean up...... all drivers are ok, on the frontstright the cars involved where
The weather was beautiful today. The tour race went well until Marquis went hard into the turn 1 wall. I talked to a friend who works on the car after the race and he thinks the car might be all done, almost nothing salvagable. The big one happened in turn 4 when the 47 got loose and collected Kenny Barry and Zach Sylvester, as that happened everyone piled in, with the 77 of Doug Coby ending up on top of Zach, but able to drive off and away. The end of the race was a barn burner, as Stafanik and TC were able to get by Hossfeld. Hossfeld got back by TC, and put pressure on Stefanik, bumping him sideways in turn 4, he saved it, they touched again, and Stefanik was able to beat Hossfeld back to the line. Overall a good show.
good reviews........ wishing i was there to wittness it,
you got to give ben dodge a hand in running the show so smoothly, although he did the same for riverside<tour race plus 3-4 divsions and getting out at 10:30pm after a 6pm start> the only thing that baffled me this week was, i know its the icebreaker and there was sleet and snow in the area, but in fairness of the drivers safety, why would you hold hot lappers on a day like yesterday where it caused 4 cars to wreck???? makes no sence to me at all, you can probally get away with it at the bowl or seekonk but TIS was pushing it........ but look at the other side of it, your still not sitting there waiting for the WMY to end when the INFAMOUS DAVIS CLAN was running the show some years ago.......