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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
dont look good....... for today at least...... im sure they will attempt ot fit the racing in tomarrow even if they have to start the mod race based on points
Just took a ride to the track, (only 20 mins from home base) rain, sleet, and snow was what it was doin weather wise. The track reportedly plans on waiting it out and trying to get things in late today/ tonight, so I guess we shall see.......
According to a post at Speed51.com the weather has cleared and qualifying was set to begin between 7:30 an 10:00. With the scheduled features to follow. The weather looks good for tommorow.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 19:48, 2006-04-08
SIDE NOTE FROM SATURDAYS MESS....... from Speed51.com
Four Cars Wreck in Thompson Icebreaker Hot Laps
On Saturday, it rained, snowed and sleeted at Thompson Speedway (CT). The NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour teams eventually practiced and Tom Bolles, Chris Pasteryak, Matt Hirschman and Renee Dupuis wrecked. Bolles and Pasteryak have loaded up and gone home. That will leave 44 cars for qualifying, which NASCAR has moved back to Sunday afternoon due to concerns about time trialing on a chilly New England night with even colder tires. The race is set for Sunday afternoon and the weather looks much better than it was today
does this mean that the races were cancelled for this evening??????
there is a reason why they call it the icebreaker. I got to the track at about 8:30 right when it started to rain. We got the car ready for no reason because it sucked out til about 3 once it all stopped, the tour cars practiced for an hour an a half, tommy bolles in the 76 destroyed his car in practice. They are scheduled to qualify at about 12:30 tommorow.