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Budweiser 150 Champion Frank Ruocco and runner up Kenny Horton will be returning to the Speedbowl this saturday night to race as the season at Stafford has not started yet. I think this is a good thing, the more cars the better.
On a side note, Jay Miller will miss this saturday nights action as he has not been cleared to drive by his doctors. Jay and the team will be back as soon as possible, as we are all anxiously waiting to get the car back out on the track.
Certainly Horton and Ruocco will make racing more interesting at Waterford. If their success continues maybe they will try to run two tracks this year. No one really does that these days. For a while a few drivers like TC, Berndt, brainard, yuhas, and miller did it with some success. Now I think malave maybe pitkat are the only ones who run two tracks and they do it for different car owners. I guess it just costs to much these days.
I wish Jay Miller a speedy and full recovery. Certainly a tough start to the season and it will be tough to contend for the bowl championship missing a couple of races. Is he still planning on running the rest of the bowl season or bowl and stafford? Actually the new Nascar regional points are calculated using your best finishes from all the tracks in the region. So the new point system could benefit a driver who misses a few races at one track due to injury. while you may be out of the track championship you can still place highly in the regionals. Does Jay Miller still have the pro stock? A shame what has become of that division, not many tracks running them weekly.
As of right now the plans are to finish out the year at the Bowl. Right now it just isnt possible for us to run both Stafford and Waterford. Jay does not have a pro stock anymore, just 2 CD SK's.
From what I've heard from Ruocco's team, their plans are to run the first few Saturday shows at Waterford before Stafford opens their season, then they will concentrate on the full SMS SK schedule and all the SMS WMT events and will probably run some of the special events at Waterford, along with some of the other special events at other tracks.
I've also heard Horton's plans are to run the full SMS SK schedule, and some WMT events. They also have a BES car, but the team is undecided on any plans to run in the Series at this time.
Actually the new Nascar regional points are calculated using your best finishes from all the tracks in the region. So the new point system could benefit a driver who misses a few races at one track due to injury. while you may be out of the track championship you can still place highly in the regionals.
Do you still have to be leading the points somewhere to be in the top tier or did they do away with that?
Ben, let Jay know Kelly and Warren wish him a speedy recovery, more then missing racing, having something like this happen with your sight has to be real scary.