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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
take a guess on the over under for thompson opener car counts. based on solely on speculation.
tour types 40 my guess over 43
sks 30 over 35
prostock 20 over 23
late models 25 under 23
sportman 35 over 36
thompson mods 15 under 13
mini stocks 25 push 25
Im really looking forward to this one. Love the big T. I read in area auto news they acquired some musco lighting, and a new pit grandstand for installation later in the year. I always thought the lighting could be better. csg
I think you're pretty much right on the money with your estimates CSG. I think the SK count might be a bit higher this weekend maybe in the 40's, but will drop to it's normal level in the 20's come the first Thursday shows. It's promising to see the roster have so many names on it in the SK division, but it never seems to equate into as many cars weekly unfortunatley.
basically its what you see in the world series as well...............
there might be 28 mods weekly and thats pushing it, but on the ice breaker and world series weekends...... all divsions have a surge of car counts.... only divsion i staying stable is the sportsman class.... roughly 30-32 cars in the feature then the other divsions will drop to about 20-25 each...... and stableize
Tour Mods - 43 for low 50 for high. Sk Modifieds - 35 for low 55 for high . Pro Stocks - 30 for low 38 for high. Sportsman - 30 for low 42 for high. Mini Stocks - 25 for low 34 for high. Thompson Modifieds - 12 for low 19 for high. Late Models - 35 for low 45 for high. Wacky numbers I know, but look who posted it LOL.
tour mods.......... if it exceeds 50 i will be surprised....... 45 is a resonable number with 13 cars going home
pro stock...... 30 signed up... but i think 28 is all there gonna get
sportsman.... out of all of the divsions at thompson for a regular show....... 36 is a good turn out..... but i would probally see 32 on race weekend
late models..... could see a 30 car turn out but i would not see anything higher than that
TIS mods 20 would be a great number for them..... but 15 would be a saisfactory turn out
mini stocks - can pull a 27 car turnout....... but who knows 30 might show up....