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March 23, 2006 - CHARLOTTETOWN - Dave Gorveatt, a well-known Charlottetown stock car driver, was seriously injured Wednesday in his job as a forklift operator.
Gorveatt was found unconcious close to 5 p.m. at the Visser Gerrit & Sons Potato Warehouse in Orwell Cove, said warehouse owner Randy Visser.
Visser said Gorveatt, 49, was crushed between the mast of the forklift and the machine, which is basically a large conveyor belt on wheels. He was working alone.
"We're not exactly sure what happened or how it happened," said Visser.
The plant owner said Gorveatt suffered serious injuries, including internal bleeding, major blood loss and a crushed pelvis.
Gorveatt was rushed to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Wednesday, then flown to the Halifax International Airport Thursday morning where an ambulance took him to hospital.
Visser said the injuries are serious. "There's a lot of people praying for him," he said. Gorveatt was undergoing surgery Thursday afternoon.
He has worked at the potato warehouse for two years. "He's a very good guy, an excellent guy," said Visser. "We're surprised that something like that would happen to him ... He knows what he's doing."
Gorveatt has been a regular driver on the Pro All Stars Series (PASS), a Canadian and northeastern U.S. stock car circuit. He won a PASS event in May 2002 in his #77.
UPDATE: A slight upturn in the condition of a Charlottetown man seriously injured Wednesday in a forklift mishap is cause for cautious optimism, says the man's employer. Randy Visser, owner of Visser Gerritt & Sons Potato Warehouse in Orwell Cove, said his forklift operator Dave Gorveatt is showing some signs of progress. A family member reported that Gorveatt, 49, was looking a little stronger Thursday at the QEII Hospital in Halifax. "I would say he is still in critical condition ... but he is going in the right direction," said Visser.