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Bowyer and Miller to drive for Greenlight Racing at Martinsville: Scheduled to drive for Greenlight Racing at the Truck Series Race in Martinsville are Clint Bowyer in the #07 truck (sponsor tba) and Butch Miller in the #08 sponsored by ASI Limited, a company who specializes in building enclosures.(Green Light Racing PR)(3-22-2006)
OWR, I was able to meet Butch Miller back in 1980 in Martinsville, what a nice guy. To bad he did'nt have better cars to drive early in his career cause he can drive. I never heard a man say his clutch (blowed up) untill I met him lol! Richie.
I had the pleasure of meeting Butch as well Rich at a CTS event at the Flemington Speedway in the 90's. Myself and RMF were watching the weekly Modified's run their feature after the CTS race was completed and lo and behold who sits down right in front of us but Butch. We chit chated and enjoyed and adult beverage or two with him as well. And as you said Rich, a nicer guy you will never meet.