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Busch Series to Race in Canada?: With a second race in Mexico City behind the NASCAR Busch Series, the teams can expect to cross the border again next year - possibly two different borders. Canada remains on the NASCAR radar as the next international venue for the circuit, possibly as early at next year.(NASCAR Scene)(3-16-2006)
NASCAR visiting Canada: A small contingent of NASCAR officials planned to travel to Montreal this week to scout the city for a possible Busch Series race there next season. NASCAR expanded into Mexico last year, and Canadian officials have been trying to get on the schedule. Spokesman Jim Hunter said series officials will tour several different venues, and any expansion would be strictly for the lower-tier Busch Series.(Alabama Live)(5-1-2006)
Looks like Busch Series race to Canada in 2007: NASCAR is within a few signatures of coming to Circuit Gilles Villeneuve in 2007. The renewal of a 10-year lease for racing on Ile Notre Dame, a contract between the city of Montreal and motorsport promoter Normand Legault, is the final turn to be negotiated, one that's expected to be rounded in the next couple of weeks. And when it is, Legault will announce that the NASCAR Busch Series will unleash 43 of its 3,400-pound Chevy, Ford and Dodge lookalikes for a fender-rubbing, paint-trading race on the Expo 67 island. On May 2, a delegation of seven high-ranking officials headed by Steve O'Donnell, NASCAR's managing director of events and operations, flew to Montreal for a five-hour operational visit to the racetrack. Included in the group was Busch Series director Joe Balash, NASCAR vice-president of competition Robin Pemberton, and events, logistics, and timing and scoring officials. O'Donnell hails Legault and his team and calls the circuit "a world-class facility, a challenging course in a unique setting, with access to a great city." He says the track is essentially NASCAR race-ready, save a few things like the lengthening of pit road for 43 cars. That's an easy fix, given that the long pit exit beyond the F1 garages could be modified. As for the tight Senna Corner and Casino hairpin? If you love NASCAR for the wrecks, buy your seats here. "We were definitely impressed with the facility," O'Donnell said from NASCAR headquarters in Daytona Beach, Fla. "Montreal obviously is a great market. There's a possibility for (a race here) as early as 2007."(more at the Montreal Gazette)(5-16-2006)
Burton could test in Canada: Jeff Burton probably will be the driver chosen to test a 750-horsepower Chevy on Circuit Gilles Villeneuve June 19 or 20 [2006]. By then, Canadian Formula One Grand Prix race promoter Normand Legault hopes to have confirmed a summer 2007 race in the Busch Series, a circuit populated by many Nextel Cup stars and by drivers being groomed for the top league. Legault expects to renew an Ile Notre Dame race-site lease soon with the city of Montreal, his landlord. The ink might not even be dry on that document when he announces a NASCAR race. The timing of a mid-June stock-car test would be ideal - Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, a temporary road course, will be in full race trim for the June 23-25 Grand Prix weekend, and Burton will be a short flight away, having run a Nextel Cup race in Brooklyn, Mich., on June 18.(Montreal Gazette)(5-23-2006)