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True Value Modified Racing Series founder Jack Bateman and Star Speedway owner Bob Webber jointly announced Monday that the Epping, NH, race track will play host to a 100 lap qualifying race on Saturday night August 12 for the 4th annual North-South Shootout Race ™ for modified race cars. The event, scheduled for Friday and Saturday Nov 3 & 4 at the Concord Motorsports Park, Concord, NC, will once again showcase the best that Modified racing has to offer from both the tour-type and SK Modifieds ranks. The winner of the Star Speedway race will automatically qualify for the fall event and represent the TVMRS.
2004 & 2005 Series Champion Kirk Alexander won the qualifying race for the Shootout event at the Seekonk Speedway, Seekonk, Mass, last summer and represented the TVMRS at the November race. In addition to Alexander, TVMRS regular Andy Seuss, Hampstead, NH makes the trek south to race against the best of the best in modified racing. Seuss would like to represent the tour and the track that he has raced supermodifieds at in the past.
At the Star event the tracks Super Streets, Strictly Stocks, Roadrunners, and HLR Mini Stocks will also be in action. When the TVMRS tour makes its annual stop at Star, track management traditionally welcomes fans to meet and greet their favorite drivers at a fan fest track side prior to the main event giving fans an up close glimpse at the 600 HP race cars prior to the command to fire engines. Race time is 6 P.M.