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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
This is in NO WAY any kind of official schedule, just more of a vision I had. I am interested in hearing what you the fans think. So here it is, MY 2007 NASCAR Modified Tour Schedule.
Race One - New Smyrna (FL) Speedway "Richie Evans Memorial 100". Now I know it is not a NASCAR track, but think about this. The Cup Series, Busch Series, and Truck Series all start in Florida. They have tons of preason testing and practice before the season openers. By starting at New Smyrna the Tour drivers woud have eight nights of practice before their season opener. And anyone who has been to Smyrna knows the "R.E. 100" brings a great crowd, can you imagine if it were a full blown Tour race ?
Race Two - Caraway (NC) Speedway - This track is host to the opening race for the Whelen Southern Tour allready.
Race Three - Greenville Pickens (SC) Speedway - This track joins the Southern Tour in 2006.
Race Four - Motor Mile (VA) Speedway - A 200 lap event.
Race Five - Ace (NC) Speedway - A 150 lap event.
Race Six - Thompson (CT) Speedway - "Ice Breaker" held on traditional date.
Race Seven - Stafford (CT) Speedway - "Spring Sizzler" held on traditional date.
Race Eight - Waterford (CT) Speedbowl - Assuming the track is still there.
Race Nine - Riverhead (NY) Raceway - A 200 lap event.
Race Ten - New Hampshire International Speedway - ON SATURDAY of Cup Weekend.
Race Eleven - Bowman-Gray (NC) Stadium - A 200 lap event.
Race Twelve - Martinsville (VA) Speedway - "Made in America 300" under the lights.
Race Thirteen - Myrtle Beach (SC) Speedway - A 150 lap event
Race Fourteen - Richmond (VA) Raceway - The return of the Modifieds to Richmond is a MUST.
Race Fifteen - Watkins Glenn (NY) Speedway - A road course race would set this Tour apart from the others, and add another element to the mixture needed to claim the Tour Championship.
Race Sixteen - Lime Rock Park (CT) Raceway - Run after Watkins Glenn so that the cars would allready be prepared for road course racing. Less stress on the teams this way.
Race Seventeen - New Hampshire International Speedway - Once again on SATURDAY of Cup weekend.
Race Eighteen - Jennerstown (PA) Speedway - A 100 lap event.
Race Nineteen - Lee USA (NH) Speedway - Another track that should be returned to the Tour.
Race Twenty - Stafford (CT) Speedway - "Fall Final" held on traditional date.
Race Twenty-one - Thomspon (CT) Speedway - Keeping traditon with the Championship being decided at the "World Series".
The first five races are all in the South. This is an incentive to get more Southern teams to run the full Tour. If they run well in the first five races they should be a good point position heading to the Northern races.
You will notice that there is no Thompson 300 on my schedule. This race would become a NON TOUR OPEN event. You then could have WMT, WSMT, TVMRS, and R.o.C. cars ALL elligible to compete.
To fill the races that some tracks once hosted, those dates would also become big money to win OPEN events.
And finally, at ANY TRACK WITH NO PIT ROAD - We will use the old three laps from the time first car enters the pits rule. This should help with some of the madness that happened last season with drivers trying to pit.
This is nothing more than a crazy vision, but I think it's not a bad one.
Please let me know what you think -WMT-
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 18:35, 2006-06-19
I have made some changes to my original post. After the season started I began to think of other venues the Tour should visit. So if you have not allready you may want to check out the "new" schedule.
I would also like to see Wall Township Speedway on the Schedule as well . We would then have races in Maine, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida. Now that sounds just a little more like a TOUR.