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This is just totall RUMOR at the time. But a hot topic over at MSS is that Nascar is going to combine the Whelen and Whelen Southern Tour into one for the 2007 season. Forming the Modified East Tour.
My biggest questions with this RUMOR would be why ??? They would gain NOTHING. Unless the purses were seriously increased the Southern drivers are not going to travell North. If they were going to, they would allready be doing it. What this would do is add more venues for the Northern Tour, but also add more expenses which would in turn deplete the car counts.
The idea is to increase car counts from what I have read, but it is not going to happen. If the North and South are running as one, the Southern drivers without the budgets will join the ASA Tour. So what we will end up with is the Northern Tour running more races, but spending a whole lot more money.
Now maybe if NASCAR were serious about making this work, they would get some of their "official products" of NASCAR to help sponsoring the Tour races. You know Domino's, Pizza Hut, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Powerade, Duracell, AAA Insurance, Top-Flite Golf, Kellog's etc. All those companies so proud to be the official something of NASCAR.
Get each of these glory seeking companies to sponsor one race for a $100,000 dollar purse and you might see some serious car counts. But we all know NASCAR has forgotten where they began, how often do they mention Red Byron the first NASCAR Champion who won in the Modifieds.
NASCAR there is a famous saying in the racing world "If it aint broke... don't fix it". Well the way I see it, nothing is broken leave it alone.
How about getting that pen and signing a TV deal. That is what is really needed, not making guys spend more money.
And if we make a Modified East, can we expect a West Tour as well ???
Just my opinion. -WMT-
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 11:40, 2006-03-10