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Curry Racing teams up with Montgomery: Curry Racing, Inc. owned and founded by Julius Curry, will take over as owner of a NASCAR race team at the Atlanta Truck Series event. This will mark the first time in NASCAR history that an African - American owned company, Curry Racing, Inc. will be the sole owners of a NASCAR race team. Driving the Curry Racing, Inc truck will be Chase Montgomery. Julius Curry, former NFL star and University of Michigan football star is the deriving force behind this momentous occasion. Capitalizing on his professional football skills in tandem with his knowledge of Sports Marketing has propelled Curry Racing, Inc into the forefront of new and innovative team leadership entering the NASCAR fold. “I am honored and privileged to be a part of NASCAR and its established track record in car racing.” “I am confident that Curry Racing, Inc. will add to NASCAR’s exemplary record in car and truck racing.” “I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Ray Montgomery, VP of Operations at Curry Racing Inc. for all of his assistance in making this extraordinary day possible.” so states Mr. Curry. Ray Montgomery of Montgomery Motorsports hails this historic occasion and states that “It was gratifying to be a part of history that you know will live forever.” Curry Racing, Inc. will field a full team for 2006 and is building toward a complete season starting in 2007. With able assistance from Sam Belnavis, currently the Director of Roush Racing’s Diversity Program, NASCAR is motoring down the speedway of Diversity. Mr. Curry hopes that his example will open the way for new sponsors to enter the NASCAR arena and build successful sponsorships African American and other diverse owned teams .(no word on truck # yet)(i-newswire.com)(3-9-2006)