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I went to the dark side today (only for a visit) and saw a post that has has links for the court and docket numbers. One is a foreclosure notice against T.H.E. and one is for asset's of Susan Eames. I think if it opens this year it will be with someone else calling the shots and paying the bank note. I think Terry bleed it to dry. I am not blaming Terry because I do not know the whole story but I think to have any chance there needs to be new blood to bring back everyone that has walked away. Car counts were down, stands were not full and he did not get much positive press especially by word of mouth. I hope it stays open, it is a big part of a lot of peoples lives.
Let me chime in on this one... I gotta tell ya, doin' this research makes me love the place more & more and in a way, will only make it hurt more if it's closed and that totally blows... it remains, unfortunately, out of our hands...
It's no secret that bowl's had it's financial wows - I think mortgaging a track is not an envious task and one of the huge advantages the Arutes & Hoenigs have. That should be taken in consideration if you compare the 'bowl to the other CT track's success. And I'm quite sure Terry's gettin' offers, but I'm sure the price tag is higher than we know. It can't be just the amount to pay off the note. He's not going to sell it to break even... would you? Plus who knows what monetary effects this case has on the situation... It's all too complicated for me...
In talking with so many people throughout my research, I've found that certain people actual do boycott the track and do not attend specifically because he's the top dog. And that is a HUGE problem. It doesn't matter what any of their reasons are, it only matters that they don't attend plain & simple. And I just don't know how he can overcome that, I honestly don't. I'm not saying he can't, but there's little to no room for error if he does.
I said this last year and unfortunately it's appropriate again: Although Terry seems to be target for the bowl's still probable demise, he's probably one of, if not the only, guy who can save it as well... I hope that if people want to see the bowl survive, they choose to support the track and help fill the stands and/or pits...
Support the track Stay positive and hope for the best!
Ok. I feel I need to be involved in this one. The Waterford Speedbowl was a huge part of my life growing up. My Uncle raced there back in the coupe days, and this is where I was first introduced to my favorite type of racing the NASCAR Modifieds. The track is also the first place I ever worked o a race car. From these humble beginings I worked my way to a full time job with a top notch Whelen Modified Tour team. Many of my best friends, I met through racing at "The Bowl". I have spent more than one Saturday night enjoying adult beverages until way after sun-up in the parking lot, reminiscing with some of the greatest names to ever compete at the shorleline oval. I have experienced the highs and lows of this sport we all love at Waterford. Fortunately, I have stood in victory lane a few times, the ultimate goal of any crew member. To think that this place could now be gone, is quite upsetting. i have seen many tracks go in my lifetime, but the Bowl ?? This one really hits home. I seriously hope things work out, I would truly miss the place.
Thanx for taking the time to read this, just thought I would share my thoughts. -WMT-
Well, I think Terry needs to add some of the crazy nights of some type of racing. Like that Funk Master race they had. That brought all kinds of people and cash to the track. He needs to do more of that Wednesday night deal ( they pack the place ). If the car count is down, that is because people just can't AFFORD to race. Remember back when the bowl dropped the Grand-Ams and brought in the Street Stocks, because they were AFFORDABLE. Lets face it, you need a lot of money too race (IF you want to win). At one point in the late 1970s the Grand-Ams had maybe 15 cars, we were going to buy 4 tires and run the Street Stock with the Grand-Ams and make more money to finish last. I also grew up at the bowl, there has been Savage Blood racing there in the 50s 60s 70s 80s so I can relate to all you guys. I just hope Terry or whoever can keep this track going. It seems every couple of years we hear the bowl is done there going to close, lets hope not. Richie.
you know ive only been to waterford a few times, i got to be honest i hate it.(one reason though has nothing to do with racing) anyway i wish terry would put some money into it, the pit area is terrible with no lights. Even though i hate it id still go because its a race track and you dont want to see one close down, i hope it stays open but its not looking to well for the ole speedbowl.
i'm taking it you people are speaking of the rumors that the speedbowl is being bought out by foxwoods. i have no idea on this rumor.
i think if anything is going to take waterford down with in the next season it is going to be the B.S. that goes on at the track. the playing favorites, the techs making ridiculus claims if you win more than one race. having to get your car teched every time you win and then having the tech's tell you to add 100 pounds to the right front of your car, these are things that are going to kill the bowl. the blantly obvious take outs that some drivers do to others and they don't get black flagged. yet if a not so well liked driver does anything remotely wrong they get flagged out.
it seem's like they dont really know what they are doing at this track, the officials i mean. they line the cars up completely wrong after cautions. repeatidly loosing 2-3 spots at every caution is enough to make any driver mad. you go into the caution in 2nd you should stay in second. not be put back to 4th and have cars that were behind you infront of you.
just my .2 cents. not trying to badmouth any one, just saying what i see when i'm there. and i'm there every week.