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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The 2006 Oxford Plains (ME) Speedway schedule begins with the "New England Dodge Dealers PASS 150" on April 29th . There will be a practice session on April 22nd.
The Whorff family is enjoying a little redemption after sweeping the Oxford Plains (ME) Speedway's "TD BankNorth 250". Here is a link to Mike Twist's story at Speed51.
OXFORD NETWORTKS PRO STOCK (50 laps): 1. Jeff Taylor, Norridgewock; 2. Joey Porciello, Lee, N.H.; 3. Tim Brackett, Buckfield; 4. Jeremie Whorff, West Bath; 5. Bill Whorff Jr., Topsham; 6. Mark Lucas, Harpswell; 7. Scott Moore, Anson; 8. Charlie Colby, Newcastle; 9. Ricky Morse, St. Albans; 10. Al Hammond, South Paris; 11. Scott Robbins, Dixfield; 12. Kevin Kimball, South Portland; 13. Brad Hammond, Sabattus; 14. Mike Maietta Jr., South Portland; 15. Tommy Tompkins, Mexico; 16. Jeff Burgess, Oakland; 17. Chris Kennison, Oxford; 18. Scott King, Livermore Falls; 19. T.J. Brackett, Buckfield; 20. Joe Turner, Norway; 21. Mike Maietta Sr., South Portland; 22. Jason Swett, Carthage; 23. Corey Morgan, Lewiston; 24. Chuck Colby, Newcastle.
LIMITED SPORTSMAN (35 laps): 1. Carey Martin, Denmark; 2. Terry Merrill, Saco; 3. David Tripp, Oxford; 4. Tommy Ricker, Poland; 5. David Vaughn, Naples; 6. Matt Williams, Brownfield; 7. Neil Martin, Freeport; 8. Todd Bisbee, South Paris; 9. Shane Green, South Paris; 10. Skip Stanley, Buckfield.
ALLEN'S STRICTLY STOCK (30 laps): 1. Jeff Moon, Gray; 2. Zach Emerson, Sabattus; 3. Kurt Hewins, Leeds; 4. B.J. Chapman, Naples; 5. Mike Short, Auburn; 6. Jeff Merrill, Roxbury; 7. Tommy Tompkins, Mexico; 8. Skip Tripp, Sabattus; 9. Glen Henderson, Sabattus; 10. Joe Hutter, Oxford; 11. Rick Thompson, Naples; 12. Don Harvey, Pownal; 13. Chris Coolidge, Norway; 14. Bob DiPompo, Jay; 15. Justin Karkos, Jay; 16. Mike St. Germain, Auburn; 17. Sumner Sessions, Norway; 18. Kim Tripp, Oxford; 19. Matt Moore, Harrison; 20. Perry Tucker, Sumner; 21. Danny Smart, Buxton; 22. Scott Belskis, Mexico; 23. Jason Gaboury, Readfield; 24. Jerry Freve, Buckfield; 25. Ben Tinker, Gray.
ALLEN'S MINI STOCK (30 laps, unofficial pending technical inspection): 1. Larry Melcher, Jay; 2. Darick Barker, Jay; 3. Jim Childs, Leeds; 4. Chris Varney, Scarborough; 5. Don Mooney, New Gloucester; 6. Steve Barker, Jay; 7. Bill Thibeault, Oxford; 8. Ashley Marshall, Jay; 9. David Mooney, Wales; 10. Rob Greenleaf, West Bath; 11. Jeff Prindall, Lisbon Falls; 12. Dale Durgin, Norway; 13. Don Frechette, Turner; 14. Bill Childs Sr., Leeds; 15. Adam Polvinen, Oxford; 16. Scot Moore, Norway; 17. Kevin Bishop, Oxford; 18. Greg Durgin, Norway; 19. Butch Keene, Turner.
A link to the full results and stories of August 26th racing at Oxford Plains (ME) Speedway from the tracks website. Jim Child's has clinched the 2006 Mini-Stock Championship.