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What past Feature winner and I believe past Champ, won most Improved driver two years later in the same division? Name the driver and car number. Good Luck! Richie.
I am going to go with John Brouwer on this one. The number would actually be #39 for his Late Model Championship, he then drove the #716 SK and I believe he won Most Improved Driver with the #49 SK. I also could be totally WRONG.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 22:56, 2006-03-07
WMT, That's two different division's. The driver I'm looking for was done in the same division. Sounds kind of crazy don't it? But it's true. Johnny boy was not the one I'm looking for, but good try. Richie.
Rich, I'm gonna say Rob Janovic now #51 was #50 and also #36 in the SK division. Was an SK feature winner in 2000 then was most improved in 2002. Never was a champ though
I don't think he ever won a title or even a race for that matter but the guy who originally drove the #78 sportsman sure could've use some improvement.
SPD, Do you mean DareDevil #78? cause that Bob Blanchette or Vallie Paradis. Bob drove the Gold and White #78 and Vallie drove the Red one. I don't remenber the # 78 sportsman, what color was it? Do you have a picture of it? Richie.
The #78 that Blanchette drove back in the early '70s was owned by Gary Merchant and was blue. Vallie was my neighbor in Taftville. I may have screwed up on the number, lol I was talkiing about the car that Animal Loyd ended up making respectable
SPD, are you talking about my old driver Rick? Because Jimmy (The Animal) Lloyd drove for me from 1985 to 1988. I retired at the end of that year due too money problems, (I ran out) so I sold all three cars that fall. I helped build a car for Jimmy in 1989 but I did'nt own it, they ran it at Thompson as the #99 for a few races and then they folded. Richie.
SPD, you are losing me here! You are either talking about Me or Ed Yerrington JR., The problem is I never drove the #78 I drove the #17 and the #44. When Eddie JR. drove for me it was in the #17 car also. So help me out here, your driven me nuts. P-M me if you need to. Richie.
Richie, I was just trying to bust you. I didn't remember the car number when you drove and I was just try'n to say you needed the improvement but it got all screwed up so fugetaboutit!
SPD, OK all ready I get it, so I was'nt the best driver out there. But I had me some fun, lol! So now I have toooooooooo Bust on you a little bit. Enjoy the race. Richie.
This has been around to long so I will answer it. The driver I was looking for is Ed Reed Sr. in the #27 Street Stock. He won a race and I think a Championship, Two yeras later he was voted most Improved. Today is my 45th Birthday and I needed to answer a Trivia. lol! Richie.