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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
nice story about this long gone speedway............
it would be relistic to think that at 1 time there was 3 tracks in the 70s that are closed today........ weissglass, freeport, and islip....... freeport became a caldors which eventully folded....... and islip became a cookie factory,,,,,,, a haven for the cookie monsters out there. lol
Great story.... who'd a thunk we'd reach the day when the amount of Northeastern short tracks that've closed down would outnumber the ones that still remain in operation... Cuz of my project, I appreciate that story just little bit more....
Scott, what rock have you been hide'n under? Sid is the project manager for the Speedbowl history project. He has gott'n a lot of people to help him fill in the blanks from over the years, but there are still a few blanks. Steve
opsssssssssssssssssssss PULLED A ROSCOE P COLTRAIN......
i salute sid on his project cause its 50 years of stats ..... same thing if someone was to do a project on the park or others that have been around for that long, its alot of work but its rewarding when it gets going.........
Way to have my back Spd - that's musta been a big rock you was under Scott....lol
Hang out here & jp.com forum and you'll get the idea of what's going on... and yeah, it's a mutha of a project - but, like you said, will be worth it in the end...