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"Radical" Rick Martin, "Flyin'" Fred Astle Jr., and Bobby Tripp have all filed entries for the Seekonk (MA) Speeday Pro Stock division after several years of abscence.
Martin will drive the Wayne Nunes Radical Brothers #24 when not racing on the PASS Tour. rick has 57 wins and four Championships at the "Cement Palace".
Astle the 1994 and 2000 Champion will be driving a McCallum car owned by Ron Louro.
Tripp is the 1995 Track Champion, and son of Johnny Tripp the 1988 Champ.
As returning to Seekonk will be Bob Pelland Jr. the 1994 Late Model Sportsmen Champion. Pelland will return in the Pro Stock Division driving a brand new Ross Engineering car #12 for Joe Donato .
good to see martin and astle back at the cement palace. Astle is listed in the thompson pro stock ranks running the familiar 48 car he ran with great success last season. I Noticed a few seekonk drivers signed up for the prostocks at thompson. these included todd annamurallo, wayne dion and tom furtado. I believe vinny who todds father was going to run with the tv mods this year. Hopefully some of these drivers are are going to run both tracks(konk and thompson). If you are familiar with goings on at seekonk how did the drivers react to the track dumping the nascar sanction. Just curious csg