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Strike Three for Hmiel - Banned for Life: NASCAR officials confirmed Friday that former NASCAR Busch and Craftsman Truck Series driver Shane Hmiel failed a third drug test and has been banned from NASCAR for life. Hmiel failed two prior tests in 2003 and ’05, and NASCAR officials said Friday that he failed a third within the past week, prompting his banishment.(Speed Channel) AND Driver Shane Hmiel has been suspended from competition for life by NASCAR after failing a third substance abuse test. "Shane failed to fulfill the prescribed rehabilitation program scheduled by NASCAR," NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston said Friday. "As a result, Shane has forfeited his opportunity to compete in any NASCAR-sanctioned events." Asked if there is any possibility of Hmiel racing in NASCAR sometime in the future, he said, "No, it is a lifetime ban." Hmiel, the 26-year-old son of longtime crew chief and team official Steve Hmiel, was first suspended in September 2003 after failing a test. He completed a required rehabilitation program and was reinstated for NASCAR competition in February 2004. But he was suspended again last June after failing a second substance abuse test. NASCAR had laid out a road map for Hmiel's possible reinstatement in 2007 that included medical and psychological reviews and frequent testing. NASCAR said Hmiel failed one of those tests. NASCAR's Substance Abuse Policy, based on "reasonable suspicion," allows the sanctioning organization to broadly administer tests virtually anytime, anywhere.(ESPN.com/AP)(2-24-2006)
To bad for Steve Hmiel. He is a class act and it is sad for him that his son has chosen that path. But we do not know the inside of the whole deal with Shane's personal life. In any case I wish him well and hope he gets his life straightened out.
I understand them being so tough on this issue but how can they be so lax on being a habitual cheater? They are both very similar in being personnal behaveral issues. Do you think repeat cheaters are different from repeat illegal drug users? They do it for very similar reasons.