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Was just checking that out over on JP's site. WOW, that would suck . Maybe Brian France will come to the rescue with all that money Hendrick leaves him on the night stand.
Stay positive, right? It's out of our hands... I'm so wrapped up in the 'bowl with all this research and man, that story just totally brought me down... but ya gotta stay positive - hope for the best... If they get over this hurdle, that'll be the second time this regime has avoided disaster... and that sounds the like the makings of a turn around - so... let's hope the hurdle isn't too high...
As Sid said it is ultimatley out of our hands. Only the people directly involved control the final outcome. All we can hope for is if the SS Speedbowl has hit it's last iceberg, that one of these rumored "buyers" that we have all heard of over the years comes in and saves her and keeps it a race track.
This is a rumor I heard today but it kinda makes sense. T.H.E. is way behind in bank payments. The bank usually gives you a fair amount of time to pay. Could have been planning on the deal going through last year and burried him self. I hope not and I hope the are races this year, but I wouldn't send in money for season passes just yet. Keep yur fingers crossed