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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
it all started a week before.... crew chief getting ejected from the track, a ambassador of nascar finally steps up to the plate then goes against on what he said, nascar getting more predicable with wins these days, more than ever, and a independant makes this years daytona look like we seen rocky 6 <went the distance, went to the 200th round. and more on this weeks RAMBLINGS
the major headlines this whole week accually started before the shootout when jimmy johnsons 48 car got DQED and chad knuass ejected for a illegal back window and the car was not taken away from them.... as i stated last week, that car should be taken away like harvicks and macmurrys car last year<??????? remember that> but it gets far worse than this......... the acting crew chief is nothing more than a puppet sitting on the wall because we aint dumb enuff to realize that there cellphones and calling back and forth between the 2 partys involed<acting crew chief and chad himself>
also last weekend nascar tried to look for a ambassador for the sport, tony stewart stepped up to the plate and spoke his mind about people gonna get killed at daytona if bumpdrafting happens in the corners, i must admit it did work for the duels, but it was gonna all change for the 500..... tony stewart in my book is a very talented racer.... raced IRL USAC busch then cup.. one of the most versitle racers in our time, but his temper could have been tragic as he stuffed matt kenseth in the grass and nearly got wiped out by 2 other cars, although nascars ruleings were down the middle, could have been another tragic 500, THIS WEEKS BONEHEAD MOVE OF WEEK GOES TO TONY STEWART
kirk shelmerdine deserves this paragraph as a pat on the back as he pulled off a rocky 6 type script as he came to daytona with 1 CAR..... 1 CREW MEMBER and NO TIRES, but people in the infield, old dale sr fans helped the guy out and he beat 23 other drivers to place 20th, i cant imagine the feeling kirk had lying in his bed thinking that he would have had a chance to go 200 laps and finish that high up in the standings, a bit nerve racking but i think post race celerbrations were to place to be at his campsite sunday night, CONGRATS KIRK JOB WELL DONE
speaking of scripts here is the number of the week, jimmy johnson won this years daytona, what annual was this race??? i will let you answer that one :)
hopefully californa will be more relaxing than this past week, this had me pulling my hair by the roots, i can imagine what the professional reporters where doing thru..... till next week
It just dawned on me reading your ramblings why Tony Stewart was driving like he was upset! He kept hearing all week that some one had a DQ and he was mad they didn't get him a hot fudge sundea!