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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Tonight is the annual running of the "Richie Evans Memorial 100" for Tour Type Modifieds. A tribute to the late "King of The Modifieds".
Along with his nine NASCAR Modified National Championships, Evans and his orange #61 have also won six World Series Championships. With thirty-nine, he is the all-time Tour Type Modifieds win leader.
This race is the reason the drivers go South, a win puts you into an elite group.
We unfortunately lost Richie in a 1985 crash at the Martinsville (VA) Speedway, but for any true Modfied fan, "The Rapid Romans Legend" lives forever.
RIP Richie
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 07:20, 2006-02-17
Bil Anderson will drive the Bear Motorsports #14 in tonights "Richie Evans Memorial 100". Ted Christopher will drive the Brady Bunch #80. Jimmy Blewett in the #12 set fast time, followed by Chuck Hossfeld in the #22, and John Blewett III in the #00. Ted Christopher has redrawn the pole.
Although the "RE 100" is underway, only six laps have been run and the red is out. After winning the SLM race, Ted Christopher took the green from the pole only to have Jimmy Blewett pass him. And then the wreck, at lap six, Summers, Lia, and Hossfeld all involved, though Summers was the first to pull away. An eyewitness states that Lia's mount looks heavily damaged, and Hossfeld's tires are cross-eyed. Others were involved as well.
The top 8 or so at the red are, (unofficially):
Jimmy Blewett, TC, John Blewett III, Storace, Bill Anderson, Robbie Summers, Mckennedy, Hanbury, and Goodale all waiting for the wreck to be cleared.