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Harvick comments on Gordon: #29-Kevin Harvick, who stepped into his seat at Richard Childress Racing the week after Dale Earnhardt died in a crash during the 2001 Daytona 500, says no one has been able to replace Earnhardt as a voice for the drivers in the NASCAR Nextel Cup garage area. Speaking Thursday during NASCAR's annual Media Day, Harvick said longtime Cup star Rusty Wallace filled some of that void until he retired last year. "With him gone, I can't tell you who is going to step up," Harvick said. "It's like our biggest stars are involved in a lot of other things and not taking 100 percent interest in the sport now." Without saying his name, Harvick made it clear that he believes four-time champion Jeff Gordon should be filling Earnhardt's role as the unofficial drivers' representative to NASCAR. "There are people who should be more involved and you know who I mean," he said. Gordon shrugged off the apparent criticism, saying the sport has changed and no one can really replace the charismatic and often enigmatic Earnhardt. "I know people have asked me, `Why haven't you done that? Why haven't you done that?' I've never really felt like it was my place to do that," Gordon said. "I feel like over the years that I've been here that I've earned more respect, but I don't know if I'll ever have the type of respect that Dale had. I think we all play a certain role in doing it together as drivers. It is our responsibility to bring up certain issues and try to do our best to keep the sport growing. But the sport is growing. It's been doing good."(ESPN.com/AP)(2-10-2006)
I have to agree with Gordon. No one has the power Big E had prior to his passing and it is much better to lead by commitee than by one voice. That way more drivers interests can be taken into account instead of just one or a couple, if you know what I mean. I hope Harvick isn't trying to get the nod to be the 'leader of the pack' cause he ranks in the same class as Kurt Bush as far as I am concerned (Good driver, not-so-good thinker).
However, NASCAR will listen to a top Hendricks driver before they listen to anyone else, now that Childress has been replaced by Hendricks. So maybe Gordon is the spokesperson for the drivers and doesn't know it. Maybe Gordon needs to come out of the closet and take his place at the head of the class.
Is Smoke stepping up and being the commanding voice for the drivers? NA$CAR really jumped after he made the comment about someone else getting killed! He may make a good driver spokesman, he says what's on his mind.