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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Well, just got a call from our buddy conex who was down in NSB already with some tidbits from the first day of practice. Great for all us stuck up here in the northeast dying for any type of local racing news. Apparently, there will be full fields in both the Tour-Type and SK Modified divisions in 2006 for the 40th annual race.
Jimmy Blewett seemed fast in both the the T/T and Sk Modified Divisions...
TC and "The Bear" are apparently renewing "past relations" in the pit area...
Robbie Summers, WSB 2005 SK Modified Champ in the Major Motion #19 looked to be running well...
Infrequent competitor of late, Billy Anderson appeared to be running well in the Major Motion SK...
New England Pro-Stock competitors, Charlie Rose and Billy Wheeler will be representing NE in the SLM division, along with TC, who if last year's showing in the SLM division is any indication on how this year goes, will be attempting the "Double Crown" as well as being a double threat.
Yes Conex thanx a bunch. Wish I was there again this year.
Just wanted to add a little sponsor info, seems Jim Storace and the #47 team have picked up a few new sponsors in Apex Builders and Interstate Deisel. Good to hear as Jim is a good friend as well as the driver of the last car I worked on. Hope he picked up a little luck as well. I also got to see a great picture of the car and it looks great. Black with Jim's familiar orange and yellow in a nice looking striping, lots of chrome, very sharp! Conex if you get the chance tell Jim "EGGS" says "Git Er' Done". John White in the 27 SK Modified also has a new color combo for this season as his car is now red.
Also did I read that correct, JR. is being booted by his own family???
Well it was a long off-season but tonight, WE ARE GOING RACING.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 10:09, 2006-02-10
John White's SK appears to be Dennis Charrette's old car that he ran before he joined the Drouin team. There are photos over at Mod Series Scene as well.