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Thompson Speedway will host three Modified Touring Series for the "Modified Madness 400" weekend in 2006. This is probably one of the biggest Modified racing weekends yet. But I have an idea to make it even bigger for 2007.
In 2007 bring back the Whelen, TVMRS, and Roc Tours, but for this year we add the SST Sportsman Modified Series and TAT / Link Belt PASS Modified Tour. Each will have 50 lap races, making it the "Modified Madness 500".
The SST Series rules are very compatible to the rules used in the Thompson, Waterford, and Stafford Sk Type Modifieds meaning most local drivers would be able to compete. And all drivers at SST tracks in New York would be legal as well. The SK/SST entries alone could near 200 cars. I am not sure of the difference between the PASS and Thompson Modifieds but they seem similar.
Imagine five Modified Touring Series bringing Modified drivers and fans from the North East and Canada together for one weekend of Modified Racing Madness.
Hey I can dream, can't I.
sounds great, rip the fenders off the pace car and then your talking a full race program without a fender in sight....there isnt much support for the pass mods perhaps coupling them with thompson mods you may have a full field but stand alone they arent worth much. Throw in some supers and you have the greatest show ever.