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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
This is just a little story I have about the SK Modifieds.
I grew up watching REAL Modifieds race all over the North East, so when the SK Modified was first introduced I for one was NOT a fan. When the Spring Sizzler became a SK Modified race, I was quite upset. At first the division was more of a demolition derby, than a racing division.
But as time went by the division grew stronger. The racing became more excting, and the fact they were not REAL Modifieds became less of a factor. It was still open-wheeled short track racing. As drivers on the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour retired or unfortunately passed away, a new source of talent was needed. The void would become filled with graduates of the SK Modifieds.
Take a look a the Tour roster today, Many full-time and part-time Tour drivers are from the SK Modified Division, or have spent time driving one. Ken Barry, Eric Berndt, Tom Bolles, Jimmy Blewett, Ken Bouchard, Mike Christopher, Ted Christropher, James Civalli, Doug Coby, Rene Dupuis, Mike Ewanitsko, Ed Flemke Jr., Rick Fuller, Justin Gaydosh, Kevin Goodale, Kenny Horton, Chuck Hossfeld, Kevin Konopka, Donny Lia, Jeff Malave, Jerry Marquis, Kelly McDougall, Mike Molleur, Chris Pasteryak, Frank Ruocco, Darrin Stevens, Rob Summers, Zach Sylvester, Todd Szegedy, Ron Yuhas. Many of these drivers will compete in Sk Modifieds this season. Ted Christopher won the NASCAR Dodge Weekly Racing Series National Championship driving an SK Modified.
Even Steve Park who has driven in the Cup, Truck and Busch Series was a Sk Modified competitor. 2005 Nextel Cup Champion, Tony stewart has also competed in and won Sk Modified races.
So YES my view has changed, I enjoy the SK division and I am thankfull that someone had the vision necessary to keep Modified racing alive.
In the future, I believe someone will have the same story of the new SK Light.
Thanx for reading. WMT
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 00:00, 2006-02-08