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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Sid, here are some old results for the 1st half of the 1970 season. There are some clues as to where there could be more. On the inside (page 1) of this program it mentions a publisher in Essex, CT. Not sure if he is still in bussines but it's a lead. John Whithouse used to live out front of the track but I believe he moved to Florida many years ago and would be about 100 something if he is still alive.
I can save these as PDF's if that would be better.
Spd - you're awesome... sorry I hadn't seen you put this out here - the research slows my surfin' a bit.. But this pics help immensely... thanks for helping out - greatly appreciated..
Check out Potter on the cover... man was that a while ago...
Is it clear enough to read the results? I have some old speedway sceens and such I still need to sort through. I will see what I have and get it scanned in a few days. Glad I can help, I have left a lot of sweat at the Bowl over the years.
Steve - once you dig 'em out, give me a shout with the dates, that way if it's an issue I have already, you can save yourself the trouble of scanning them in. Acutally, right now I have various issues between 1978-1983 only - so anything pre 1978 I could definitely use.
Steve, I have a program from 1961 that has the same layout as the one you've scanned. The issue I have has a page where they list the officials for the '61 season. Does your issue have a page where they list the '71 officials?
When ya get a chance...
I'll send ya a list of of the speedway scenes I have... check your email tomorrow
Now here is some stuff from the 1981 WSB Blast off program I have. You may have this stuff already but others may find some of this makes them fell old:
I thought the 'Remember When' page was cool. I have the 1986 Blastoff program and it has all the winners of the Blastoff race from #1 in 1975 to 1985. I'll scann it and post it later today.
The WSB has really driven away a number of old timers. I know the two 100+ feature winners and neither one wants anything to do with the place with the current owner still in charge. That is really sad. That could also be why some people are hesitant in digging out stuff because they feel the same way.
I have all the Blast Off winners, so save yourself the scan on that one...
As for the track, indeed that isn't the first I've heard of that perspective... And I understand their point of view. However, not having anything to do with the place while the current regime is in place, doesn't really help the track. Just a sucky situation, I guess....
Yes, The Track should be utilizing the fame and followers of their past champions to help build up their base not push people away. Oh well.
Do you have the info that Rick Donnelly won the 1983 Blastoff but was DQ'd and Dickie Doo was awarded the win! Rumor has it his rear window didn't meet the templates
Do you need aything from this? Contains a feature story about Dale Holdridge, list of feature winners thus far, Mod & SS drivers & owners rosters and pit notes and a little other info. Let me know and it'll get posted.
SPD, Rick and I split in the middle of 1985 and I replaced him with Jimmy (The Animal ) Lloyd. We won with Rick and Jimmy both in 1985. Then we won the first 3 in a row in 1986 including, the Blast off Feature. Jimmy and I won our last race, the 4th of the season on the M.J. Sullivan Wednesday night show.That was June 25th. My oldest Son was born on Friday June 20th, we crashed bad on the 21st and had to clip the car. We finished the car at 2:30AM on Wednesday morning the 25th so we could hold on to the point lead and race that night and we won. My ( EXWIFE )did'nt seam to happy about that.lol! Richie.
Hey - the research is goin' good I guess, went to check out what I had for '86. Sure as @!#!, Jimmy Lloyd wins the first 3 Super Stock races, and the MJ show on June 25th. Keep up the stories, it gives me good verification....lol
And oh yeah... I do have the Dickie Doo '83 Blast Off win via a Rick Donnelly DQ. Research from the Sid files simply states Donnelly refused tech...
Sid, Bob Potter also won the first 3 in a row in 1986. On that June 25st night, after rebuilding the old (Fly-en 78 ) we had some handling problems in the warmups. Not sure what to do with the old girl I went to see a modified driver for some advice, and he told me what I did wrong and how to fix it. That driver was MR. Bob Potter, and I'll never forget the help he gave me that night. It was like, Oh my God ( Bob Potter talked to me) like a little kid in a candy store.He's my HERO! Richie.