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With the state of the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour. I think it is time for a Connecticut based Non - NASCAR Modified Tour. New Hampshire has the TVMRS, which has branched out to other areas but competes mainly in New Hampshire. New york has the R.O.C., which has also branched out but is mainly based in New York.
Tracks on this Tour would include four races at Waterford Speedbowl, four races at Stafford Speedway, four races at Thompson (including a real 300 lapper), four races at Seekonk, two races at Riverhead, and two races at Limerock.
It's just a thought, not a bad one I think.
with a ct based mod tour where would the wheelen guys run. as it stands over 80% of the wmt is run in CT. I think a tri track sk series would be a great idea but a ct based full blown mod tour, a cheaper alternative to the wmt, would be the final nail in the coffin for the wmt tour in my opinion. there is enough mods tours right now with tv mods, roc, wheelen north and south and ASA mods. the sks should get some recognition and some higher paying shows. csg
An SK Type Tour is actually more of the concept that would work in the Connecticut area. Much like the Busch East Series, I believe the future of ANY Modified racing should involve some type of Crate Engine. Connecticut is for the most part the home of the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour, and should have a "training ground tour" . I think the idea of SST Sportsman Modifeds in the New York is what the Connecticut area tracks should ALL consider.