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Although the 2006 season for the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour will have less races than usual, expect to see many more cars competing. The list of new drivers just continues to grow.
Some of the new drivers are : 03 - Dennis Charette, 0 - Danny Sammons, 1 - Rob Summers, 5 - Chris Pasteryak, 6 - Ronnie Yuhas, 8 - Glenn Tyler, 28 - James Civalli, 59 - Matt Hirschman, 19 - Kenny Horton, 22 Zane Zeinner and 71 - Kirk Alexander.
Todd Szegedy will return to the Tour in 2006 as well. Ronnie Silk is also rumored to be joining the tour for 2006.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 16:48, 2006-03-16
I for once is really looking forward to seing the tour this year. I'm not sure how many less races there are but I think one trip to the Speedbowl is not enough I think they need to still go there twice a year.
well look at the true value look at the driver roster,look at how many races they have compared to the tour,nascar is becomg far too expensive. Thats why seekonk got rid of nascar they knew they could do just as well if not better with the true value. That series knows how to treat the drivers, nascar only cares about pocketing your money. Heres a good example why is it we need to buy a license for the tour when your just a crew member but for the true value you dont. I went down to new smyrna 2 years ago, my dad took to that qualifing race or whatever the hell its called at daytona. While i was there i realized something, this sport is not about racing, its about all the lights and signs and how money and signs and all the lights. You walk around you would think you were in orlando. I couldnt believe this, its were nascar started its were it was born, now you all see is this attraction, thats not what should make you go to the races.But hey what do i know i only turn the wrenchs.
I get the points about NASCAR, but no one is forcing these guys to race a NASCAR Series . They do because of the name recognition. I agree 100% NASCAR is out for the money. Drivers race a NASCAR Series because of the recognition with the name NASCAR, and in the Modifieds case because the Whelen Tour is the best of the best period. I am not saying there is not talent on the other Tours, but the Whelen Tour is the best drivers and teams in Modified racing.
My comment was about Chris's post. I do not understand what new Tours he was talking about, unless he means everyone will boycott NASCAR for the new Tours.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 12:13, 2006-02-26
that was my post i forgot to sign in.....twice, anyway i do agree with you about the whelen tour being the best, do i think people will boycott? no not at all, but i think if there are drivers who want to start racing in a open wheel touring division they are most likely to go to the true value. The new tour i was taking about was the true value.
I think a lot of people are of the opinion that Nascar only cares about their "big three" series, Cup, Bush, and Trucks and frankly, they (Nascar) really don't do anything to make people change that opinion. These new non Nascar series whether it's the TVMRS Mods, or PASS etc continue to gain interest and grow by being involved with their competitors and fans, where Nascar seems to have abandoned their "other" series and local short tracks are dropping their sanctions. I know I've said it before, but I think in the not to distant future Nascar will only back the "big three" with everything else going the way of the independent.