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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The True Value Modified Racing Series has purchased a new race timing and scoring system for the 2006 season. The scoring system for TVMRS will be AMB which is the world's leader in transponder based automatic timing and scoring systems. AMB manufactures the world's most advanced timing systems for sports ranging from RC model car racing to high speed car racing, horse racing, speed skating, cycling and athletic sports, such as marathons, triathlons and more. This AMB system will provide
TVMRS officials with quicker and more accurate line ups after cautions, race results as well as provide teams with lap times for their practices, heats and feature laps.
Those teams who have registered for the 2006 season and currently own a dBcom transponder from 2005 can turn their transponder in and will receive in return the AMB transponder for their car at no charge. AMB transponders will be available on Monadnock practice day for those who had previously turned in dBcom transponders and those who will need to purchase a new AMB unit. New teams will be able to purchase the AMB transponder for $325.00. Teams who currently own an AMB transponder can register theirs with TVMRS for a registration fee of $50.00.
Teams who are registered for the 2006 season and own dBcom transponders can turn in their transponder at the next TVMRS meeting or mail directly to Jack Bateman at PO Box 269 Canaan, NH 03741. Those transponders will be recorded for teams to receive the new transponder upon delivery of the AMB system.