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Musgrave says he is close to a new ride UPDATE Germain?: Defending Craftsman Truck Series champion Ted Musgrave, who was a victim of Ultra Motorsports' shutdown last week [see below], might not be out of work too long. Musgrave told the daily "Sirius Speedway" show on Sirius Satellite Radio that he was getting ready to sign a "jaw-dropping" deal to remain in the Truck Series and that it could be done as early as Monday night or Tuesday morning.(NASCAR.com)(1-9-2006) UPDATE: hearing it could be with Germain Racing, who field Toyoya's for #30-Todd Bodine and the #9 team, driven by a few drivers in 2005. No word if it would be for the #9 or a third team...if this is true.(1-10-2006)
UPDATE 2: Germain Racing announced the signing of 2005 Truck Series Champ, Ted Musgrave. Musgrave, will be driving the Germain Motor Company Toyota Tundra for the 2006 season. After a number of offers, Musgrave felt Germain Racing was the perfect fit. "It has been nuts this past week, finding out that Ultra was shutting its doors" said Ted Musgrave. "My phone was ringing off the hook this week. I called Mike Hillman, Sr. to see what was going on and all of the pieces just fit together. There was no delay and here I am. I am very excited to be part of the Germain Racing team." Germain Racings' GM, Mike Hillman, Sr. along with owners Rick, Bob and Steve Germain made the decision to go with Musgrave as their second full-time Tundra driver. "A lot of thought went into our decision, and we felt that Ted could bring a lot to our organization," said Mike Hillman, Sr. "To have the reining NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series Champion as a teammate to Todd, we felt would make our organization even stronger." #30-Todd Bodine is excited to have Musgrave on board for the season. "You could not pick a better driver to be my teammate", said Todd Bodine. "Ted is a winner and a fierce competitor who wants to win as much as I do. He will fit right in with our race team." Tom Ackerman will be Musgrave's new crew chief for the upcoming season. Musgrave will join his new team at this weekends Craftsman Truck Series test session at Daytona International Speedway. With the addition of Ted Musgrave to the Germain Racing Team, Toyota Motorsports will have an exceptionally strong stable of drivers to beat for 2006. "We are excited to have the defending series champion driving Tundra this year with Germain Racing," said Pat Wall Vic President of NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series Program Manger for TRD. "Ted Musgrave and Todd Bodine will form an outstanding team. Adding Ted, a series cham1pion and experienced veteran to the Tundra roster makes the Toyota line-up even stronger for 2006."(Germain Racing PR)(1-10-2006)