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NASCAR is reformating it's Touring Series in 2007, as we all know. So here is another of my many crazy ideas.
It has already been announced that several NASCAR Late Model Touring Series will be terminated in 2007. I am not knocking Late Models, or any of the Series, but it was getting rediculous. NASCAR already has two MAJOR Series consisting of the same type of cars. As a race fan, I like to see some variety. And from chatting with people in the Midwest and on the West Coast, they would like to see Modifeds. I have even talked with a West Coast track owner who expressed interest in the Whelen Tour. So here is my suggestion.
Create a West Coast and Middle American Tour for NASCAR Type Modifieds, the interest is there. IMCA style Modifieds are EVERWHERE and I believe NASCAR style cars would be a HUGE hit. You then have a NASCAR Modified Champion in each of the countries four major regions. The points system used to determine the NASCAR Dodge Weekly Racing Series National Champion would be used to determine the overall National Champion. Of course then you host the all important " NASCAR Modified Invitational Showdown " where The Top 15 in points from each Region are invited to participate.
The writing may be on the wall for this to become a reality. NASCAR officials have allready stated that the 2007 restructuring will be done to allow more focus on the Whelen Modifieds and Busch East Series. There is a West and East in Grand National, why not the Modifieds?
After all any true fan or historian knows where it all began. Seems some kind of car with allowed "modifications" competed on a beach course near a governing bodies headquarters. NASCAR are you there?
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 01:59, 2006-02-08
The main question is do the Frances think there is any $$$$$ in it? They have shown me these past few years it is all about their pockets. They own NASCAR, 12 of the 22 active Cup tracks, just bought the two main NASCAR do-dad suppliers (along with their bandit buddy who owns his share of tracks) and have done nothing but sell their 'good' name to the weekly series. Now there are what <10 races each for the Busch North (I know East) & Mod Tour, some of which are in SC! They only have 1 thing in mind and pleasing the weekly racers that got them where they are, is not it.
Sorry to sound negative cause I would love to actually see what you posted become reality.
Do the weekly tracks (WSB, TIS & SMS) get a cheaper insurance through NASCAR or just the use of the name for advertising?
SPD you would have to ask them on that. I agree 100% about NASCAR wanting the money. I think with the right promoting they could easily sell Modifieds to other tracks. Look at the sucess of the race at Martinsville. It was all about promotions. Or at least that is the way I see it.