Hate to do it, but just some basics; Please acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.
Please talk smack, we encourage healthy debate! BUT, You also must agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. You know the difference...
We hate spam as much as you do, but we also encourage advertisng by drivers, and teams, as well as other racing news and information websites. Feel free to place a link and/or banner in your signature or send your artwork/links to us for placement at adv@makinglaps.com.
Post anonymously or register, but only members will win random prizes periodically. We are pleased to have a great library of animated avatars, members may send a brief request of what they would like their avatar to be by emailing the bratmaster38@aol.com.
Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Wow, thanks so much to you all! We certainly love what we do, and although we are not a sponsored or funded site, nor have any real web technology experience, it's fun for us to keep this site going. There have been times when we wonder why, but then there are posts like these and it makes it all worthwhile. I am thinking seriously about making some upgrades and changes to the site and forum this coming year, like making the chatroom more interactive and part of the forum and allowing for more photo hosting. These changes will take time (and extra money), so they may come in dribs and drabs slowly before the start of the racing season.
All of us here at MakingLaps.com wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, Chrismukkah, Happy Holidays, or whatever you choose to call this special time of year. We hope that Santa brought everyone what they wanted and that you are all happy and healthy! We spent most of the morning here in CT in the fog, and now the sun has peeked through. Although I would have loved to have had a white Christmas, having a dry one is even better as it guarantees that our plow guys got to stay home with their families today.
and a little gift for those of you down south:
May all your Christmas wishes be fulfilled, but most of all, may you be spending your Holidays with the ones you love. Thanks to everyone who made 2005 a successful year for MakingLaps, and racing in general. We look forward to some great changes and upgrades, but most of all we look forward to chatting, sharing news and events, and attending more racing this year than last!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good Lap!
...the brat
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
*Legal Disclaimer: "Merry Christmas" (hereafter "The Greeting")... this announcement is not intended to offend, alienate, foster hate or be a precursor for any egregious acts(legal or illegal), thoughts, words or deeds. "The Greeting" is made only in the context to which it may be legally received, if in fact, it is received at all. It is not intended to be nor should it be, in any way, connected to any other type of greeting, real or imagined, past, present or future. No references to any persons, things or substances, animate or inanimate, real, fictional or otherwise should be assumed by the reader or receiver of the greeting (hereafter, 'the greetee'). The greeting is not being made to (nor will tenders be accepted from or on behalf of) nonbelievers in 'The Greeting' in any jurisdiction in which making and or accepting the greeting would violate that jurisdiction’s laws or feelings (also refer to local statutes and ordinances related to 'The Greeting'). In any jurisdiction in which perceived 'greeting' is not welcomed nor agreed upon by all 'greetees', then the 'greetor' of 'The Greeting' will be held harmless in this life and the next, including all issuing posterity both now and forever. 'The Greeting' may be made by a licensed 'greetor' and any liability assumed or created by the 'greetee' shall be the sole responsibility of said 'greetor'. If you have been aggrieved, offended, waylaid, parlayed, filleted or delayed in any way, either real, imagined or perceived by said 'Greeting' and or by 'greetor' as the result of receiving said 'greeting', you can call toll free 1-800-CHRISTMAS to speak with legal counsel."