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Very good point Anon. I saw a mock schedule on another board, and it had 14 races "penciled in". 10 in CT, 5 Thompson, 4 Stafford, 1 Waterford. 2 at NHIS and 1 each at Martinsville and Riverhead. Frankly, not to impressive. Now I know it's not the official schedule, and hopefully they are negotiating for more races, but what is the root of the problem? In my opinion, either do to the economy, Cup racing on TV, or just plain lack of creativity the tracks can't seem to put people in the seats like they used to, or attract sponsorship to help pay the purse for a WMT event. Which of course makes them reluctant to put up the purse for a WMT race, (never mind a decent purse for a WMT race). Then you have the problem of the Tour, (which I'm not saying is the tracks faults) "Outgrowing" some of these tracks, no room for the haulers, no infield pitting, etc etc. So how do you fix the problem? Nascar, would have to get more involved and invest more in the Tour and help the tracks find sponsorship to put up the purses for WMT events, and also help the tracks find the $$ to make improvements to their facilities to accommodate the Tour and I think you would see tracks standing in line for a WMT event. Unfortunatley, I just don't see that happening anytime soon.
There definitely is a lack of "Touring" for a Touring division. The North Wilkesboro rumors would be a real bost to the schedule, and the Southern cars should be more equal as from what I recal the rules will be the same as the Northern Tour. The Whelen Southern Tour, in my opinion, will generate the interest necessary to bring more venues to the Tour. Since these tracks are already hosting Whelen Southern Tour events, why can't they all be combination races? And why is there not a combo race at Richmond yet.
With ESPN coming back in 2007, I also see some hope for TV coverage. ESPN and ESPN2 have probably aired more NASCAR modified races than any other network. TV would bring the sponsors, which would bring the purse money.
Just what I think, which sometimes isn't much.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 14:30, 2005-12-22
I would be very surprised if NASCAR got involved in making things happen at such a lower tier as the Mod Tour if it was going to cost them anything to do it. They make such big smoke on Cup racing that they don't even seem to spend it on BGN and CTS never mind BGNN or WMT. Next you'll want them to spend money at the WSB to help the Mini Stocks. Just keep buying them NASCAR licenses and help the Frances make ends meet each month.
Yes, you can see I am a little bitter. NASCAR only rents their name to the local bull rings and local touring divisions. They never do anything to help whether it is to promote races, make the tech inspections honest, the tracks safer, or anything else. They just want everyone to send them money. How can they not only own the sanctioning body, but most of the tracks, decide who, where and when the races will be and now buy up all the sovinier bussiness. If this isn't a monopoly then why did they break up Ma Bell?
If they cared about helping the Mods then they could add a small number of races like at NHIS for example to their big, no let me rephrase that, huge new TV contract. Like hey ESPN or FOX (whatever) you're going to be there anyway so cover the race and put it on TV to promote the people that make racing possible on the upper levels by stimulating the local economies and creating not only a grass roots interest but a place for the drivers, owners, crews, ..... to start and devolope, unless your kin to some of the big names and don't need talent to get in.
The other reason they don't cover the WMT or BGNN is they are regional and only a small percentage of the region cares and would watch and the TV stations are business's and only care about the bottom line and somehow showing a bunch of small foregin cars (and maybe a Ford Focus) driven by foreginers racing through the woods in Europe and Africa makes more money than open wheel cars running nose to tail errrr.. I mean side by side, j/k.
That's my take on getting the WMT a Telly contract. It's all about money and as we know thay are susposed to be trying to reduce the costs of running that class now. I was brought up with the mods running weekly at WSB, SMS & TIS. I remember them running fuel injection and racing against the Super Mods back in the seventies and I will always be a die hard Modified fan, but It is very hard for me to get into the new Mods. I am not really sure if it is the cost of seeing them race, the lack of good competitive racing with lots of passing (exception is NHIS), or what, maybe I'm getting old and crotchety. I know I am bored otherwise I would not be ranting so much, lol.
The only way the tour will get any real TV time is to get sponsors to back it better, like the USAR Hooters Pro Cup series.
Their TV package is sold as a commercial, the majority of the advertising time during the showing of their races is purchased by Hooters, Natuarly Fresh and some other series sponsors. SPEED was open to them if they purchased the whole time block on the channel, at least as I understand it.
You could also make the Tour and the Busch North Series alot more racier if they had mandatory pit stops. It at least shuffles the field for a few laps and makes the guys that pit early race through the guys that pit later. Too many tour shows are being run without a pit stop now.
We all need to remeber that Whelen is a HUGE supporter of NASCAR. I beleive that they would do something very similar to what Hooters does with the USAR Hooters Cup Series, when it comes to TV. Also NASCAR realizes they are losing touch with the average race fan. Wetehr we realy see it or not, they are TRYING to gain exposure for the Modified Tour. Has anyone played the new video games? Is there not Modifieds on them? Also more and more former Modified drivers are becoming parts of NASCAR . Jerry Cook, Bret Bodine just to name a few . It took the taxi-cabs 50 plus years to get to where they are now. i for one expect that the modifieds WILL be on TV in 07.
Just my opionion, which in most states is worth a wooden nickle.
I am a die hard Tour fan, but this schedule sux. The only pro to it is I expect to see many more drivers compete at every race . But something needs to be done and soon.