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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
DIRTcar Modified Feature Finish, 200 Laps: 1. Brett Hearn, 2. Billy Decker, 3. Tim McCreadie, 4. Jimmy Phelps, 5. Justin Haers, 6. Matt Sheppard, 7. Ken Tremont Jr., 8. Tim Fuller, 9. Jerry Higbie, 10. Andy Bachetti, 11. Bill VanInwegen Jr., 12. Keith Flach, 13. Rich Scagliotta, 14. Gary Tomkins, 15. Danny Johnson, 16. Vince Vitale, 17. Randy Sherlock, 18. Chris Shultz, 19. Billy Dunn, 20. Ric Hill, 21. Donnie Corellis, 22. Steve Dodd, 23. Jackie Brown Jr., 24. Jeff Heotzler Sr., 25. Ronnie Johnson, 26. Tommy Meier, 27. Chuck McKee, 28. Tyler Siri, 29. Clinton Mills, 30. Bobby Varin, 31. Rob Bellinger, 32. Jeremy Markle, 33. Dominick Buffalino, 34. Peter Britten, 35. Randy Chrysler, 36. Richie Eurich, 37. Tim Currier, 38. Mike Ruggiero, 39. Danny Creeden, 40. Stewart Friesen, 41. Dave Rauscher, 42. Larry Wight, 43. Jimmy Horton, 44. Pat Ward, 45. Tim Hindley.
358 Modified Feature Finish, (curfewed after 88 of 100 Laps): 1. Brett Hearn, 2. Tim McCreadie, 3. Stewart Friesen, 4. Pat Ward, 5. Billy Decker, 6. Danny Johnson, 7. Danny Varin, 8. Chuck McKee, 9. Ronnie Johnson, 10. Michael Storms, 11. Jerry Higbie, 12. Ken Tremont Jr., 13. Jeff Heotzler Sr., 14. Jimmy Phelps, 15. Andy Bachetti, 16. Wayne Jelley, 17. Mike Ruggiero, 18. Peter Britten, 19. Mark Kislowsky, 20. Randy Chrysler, 21. Bill VanInwegen Jr., 22. Brett Haas, 23. Kim Lavoy, 24. Tyler Dippel, 25. Keith Flach, 26. Mel Schrufer, 27. Rich Ricci Jr., 28. Dave Rauscher, 29. Larry Wight, 30. Danny Creeden, 31. Kevin Bates, 32. Mitch Gibbs, 33. Brett Tonkin, 34. Tim Fuller, 35. Ray Hoard, 36. Jimmy Horton.
Open Sportsman Feature Finish, 50 Laps: 1. Brian Krummel, 2. Anthony Perrego, 3. Tyler Dippel, 4. Matt Janiak, 5. Scott Flammer, 6. Rocky Warner, 7. Adam McAuliffe, 8. Gary Edwards Jr., 9. Danny Tyler, 10. Darrell Ford, 11. Michael Sabia, 12. Frank Doty, 13. Robbie Knipe, 14. Steve Davis, 15. Erik Holmgren, 16. L.J. Lombardo, 17. Chris Stevens, 18. Danny Cronk, 19. Jimmy Spellmon, 20. Robbie Speed, 21. Adam Pierson, 22. Joe Conklin, 23. R.J. Smykla, 24. Brian Papiez, 25. Shane Jablonka, 26. Tyler McKee, 27. Randy Green, 28. John Ferrier, 29. Frank Venezia, 30. Jesse Marks.
Crate Sportsman Feature Finish, 30 Laps: 1. Brian Krummel, 2. Tyler Dippel, 3. Gary Edwards Jr., 4. Jimmy Spellmon, 5. John Ferrier, 6. Anthony Perrego, 7. Matt Janiak, 8. Scott Flammer, 9. Tyler McKee, 10. Shane Jablonka, 11. Steven Shortway, 12. Rocky Warner, 13. James M. Friesen, 14. Michael Sabia, 15. Christian Rumsey, 16. Andrew Reeves, 17. Zack Mead, 18. Adam McAuliffe, 19. Erik Holmgren, 20. Joe Conklin, 21. Eddie Burgess, 22. Tommy Johnson, 23. Jim Maher, 24. Matt Hitch****, 25. Brian Papiez, 26. Jesse Lieby, 27. L.J. Lombardo, 28. Darrell Ford, 29. John McAuliffe. Disqualified: John Scarborogh.
CRSA 305 Sprint Car Feature Finish, 25 Laps: 1. Justin Barger, 2. Gary Palmer Jr., 3. Scott Flammer, 4. Mike Espisito, 5. Scott Goodrich, 6. Joey Allen, 7. Mark Taylor, 8. Ed Neuhauser, 9. Craig Rochelle, 10. Emily VanInwegen, 11. Darrell Delmero, 12. Corey Gurney, 13. Brittany Tresch, 14. Jeremy Quick, 15. Mario Page.
Pro Stock Feature Finish, 25 Laps: 1. Rob Yetman, 2. Robbie Speed, 3. Mike Dutka, 4. Don Carlson, 5. Ivan Joslin, 6. Luke Horning, 7. Ed Thompson, 8. Joel W. Murns, 9. Tim Southard, 10. Paul Engwer, 11. Brian Keogh, 12. Paul Aragon Jr., 13. Henry Warner, 14. Jason Casey, 15. Jim Hajkowski, 16. Jay Casey, 17. Troy Arnold.
Street Stock Feature Finish, 25 Laps: 1. Kevin Skelly, 2. Charlie Houghtaling, 3. Emerson Cargain Sr., 4. Charlie Donald, 5. George Deckelman, 6. Tyler Thissen, 7. Scott Gumaer, 8. Tim Russell, 9. Ron Constable, 10. Harry Shortway, 11. John Hechinger, 12. Ray Tarantino, 13. Jason Meltz, 14. Tim Daly, 15. Dave Van Sise, 16. Mike Vigiletti, 17. John Miller, 18. Phil Sherman, 19. Paul Hyde, 20. Jeff Hager, 21. Stan Vishinski Sr., 22. Steven Kammer.